in #science7 years ago

Global warming

Global warming is the increase in average temperatures in the atmosphere and the earth's surface over the last few years. This means that the earth undergoes drastic changes that have never occurred in the periods of ancient times.

According to the United States Protection Agency global warming / global warming is an increase in average temperature on the surface of the earth either past or current.

Meanwhile, according to the National Wildlife Federation global warming / global warming is the phenomenon of the earth is getting hotter, more dense rain that resulted in floods, more storms and prolonged drought.

Global warming. image source []

Causes of Global Warming / Global Warming
There is smoke there must be fire. Now there is a global warming phenomenon there must be a cause. The cause is something that did not exist in pre-modern times. The following are some of the causes of global warming that have been detected:

1.Carbon Dioxide Pollution

Carbon Dioxide Pollution to Industri. image source []

The first cause of global warming is carbon dioxide pollution. Carbon dioxide is produced by various machines and industries in the world. Among them are car engines, power plants, and others.

Speaking of the vehicle engine, in Indonesia alone increased the volume of vehicles out of control. The growing number of Indonesians will also increase demand for fuel vehicles. This increase has also not been offset by the government with pollution reduction programs.

Human dependence on electricity is also increasing. Always emerging innovative electric-powered auxiliary tools. Though the electricity is also the result of fuel-fueled

2.Greenhouse effect

Greenhouse effect. image source []

Carbon dioxide gas is actually in concentrations that are a bit very beneficial to life. But if too much then it will become a kind of layer in the atmosphere. This layer is then regarded as a glass that resulted in the greenhouse effect

Greenhouse is an analogy that illustrates how the creation of glass that enveloped the earth. Sunlight can penetrate the glass layer to the earth. The warm sunlight is partly absorbed by the earth and most of it is reflected.

Heat reflections from the earth had not been able to penetrate the glass layer so that it was reflected back to earth. The heat of the sun is trapped on the earth so that the average temperature on earth is increasingly rising. This phenomenon became one of the causes of global warming / global warming.

3.Tree Felling Activities

Tree Felling Activities. image source []

Like the world is a creature then the forest is the heart and lungs of the world. He is the breathing place of life.

Man's need for timber is getting bigger. In addition to building materials, wood is also used as paper and other materials. Forest timber exploitation is not matched by an adequate reforestation program.

In fact, what happens is that forest land is reduced because it is converted into agricultural land or oil palm plantation. Even the opening of new land is done by burning the forest. The burning must have caused a lot of smoke in the form of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.

Forest functions are very central, one of which is the decomposition of CO2 (carbon dioxide). The loss of forest land makes the carbon dioxide gas circulation disturbed causing the greenhouse effect.

Global Warming Impact / Global Warming

  1. Climate is not Stable
    Experts and scientists have predicted that global warming will have an impact on climate change. In hot areas the air gets damper as more and more sea water evaporates.
    The more water that evaporates will have an impact on 2 possibilities. The first possibility will further add to the geothermal, because water is also a greenhouse touched substance.
    The second possibility will form more clouds that will reflect directly from the sun. The second process is better because it can reduce geothermal.

  2. Rainfall Increases
    The high humidity and the increasing amount of water that evaporates resulted in a sharp increase of rainfall, which is about 1% every degree of heat increase Fahrenheit. In the last 100 years rainfall has risen 1%.
    Although the rainfall increases but the water evaporates more quickly. That is the oddity felt by farmers and planters.

  3. Increased Global Temperatures
    The phenomenon of rising global temperature can be proven for example with the complaints of farmers in the city of Batu Malang who can no longer grow apples because the temperature there is not cold anymore. Apples can only bear fruit with cold temperatures. When only the farmers who are above the city of Batu Batu Malang who can plant an apple, for example in the Coban Rais area.

  4. Melting of ES at the poles
    During global warming temperatures in the north pole get warmer so that the icebergs melt. The less ice floats in the ocean. As a consequence the ice plane is also getting smaller. In the subtropical regions fewer peaks are covered with ice.

How to Overcome Global Warming / Global Warming

  1. Eliminates Carbon
    To eliminate carbon dioxide is necessary to all parties concerned. Namely taking care of the trees in the forest and in the home environment. It would be even better to plant trees that grow fast, absorb the most carbon dioxide and produce the most oxygen.
    Another way to reduce carbon dioxide is by injecting it into a gas well. It also serves to push the wells out of petroleum to the surface

  2. The commitment of industrialized countries to reduce greenhouse gases
    Control of pollution in industrialized countries is possible. Even international treaties have been made in Japan known as kyoto agreements.
    One of its contents is to encourage the largest emitters of greenhouse gases to cut their emissions to 5% below emissions in 1990. But we do not know yet whether these agreements have been implemented in their industrial activities or not.

  3. Added green fields
    Adding green land both in the form of forestry and the design of buildings that can grow green plants.

  4. Saving electricity
    How to save electricity can be by paying attention to simple things. Like cleaning a lamp from dust. Because dust greatly reduces lighting. Another way can be by reducing the use of air conditioning.

So many posts from me @maulizar, may be useful for us all so that we all care about the earth and how to avoid the earth.

Let us both keep our earth .. !!!

Saving Energy. image source [/]

Regard @maulizar