Samples taken by China question the origin of the moon/Las muestras tomadas por China ponen en duda el origen de la Luna

in #science3 months ago


The theory most accepted by all scientists, although not the only one, of the formation of the moon is the theory of the great impact, also called Theia theory, according to this hypothesis about 4.5 billion years ago, during the final stages of the formation of the Earth, a protoplanet called Theia wandered through the Solar System, in the same region of the protoplanetary disc as the Earth.

La teoría más aceptada por todos los científicos, aunque no la única, de la formación de la Luna es la teoría del gran impacto, también llamada teoría de Theia, según esta hipótesis hace unos 4.500 millones de años, durante las etapas finales de la formación de la Tierra, un protoplaneta llamado Theia deambulaba por el Sistema Solar, en la misma región del disco protoplanetario que la Tierra.

With a size similar to Mars, Theia hit the earth releasing an energy equivalent to millions of thermonuclear bombs and would have generated a large amount of rocky debris and molten material that was fired to space, this material in orbit, called accretion disc, It began to bring together under the force of gravity, giving rise to the formation of the moon.

Con un tamaño similar al de Marte, Theia impactó contra la Tierra liberando una energía equivalente a millones de bombas termonucleares y habría generado una gran cantidad de escombros rocosos y material fundido que salió disparado al espacio, este material en órbita, denominado disco de acreción, comenzó a aglutinarse bajo la fuerza de la gravedad, dando lugar a la formación de la Luna.


One of the reasons that support the veracity of this theory is the low presence of carbon on the moon, an impact like this between two protoplanets had to generate extremely high temperatures that would cause the evaporation of the volatile elements such as carbon, but the new samples collected on the moon by the Chinese seem to show something else.

Una de las razones que avalan la veracidad de esta teoría es la baja presencia de carbono en la Luna, un impacto como este entre dos protoplanetas tuvo que generar temperaturas extremadamente altas que causaría la evaporación de los elementos volátiles como el carbono, pero las nuevas muestras recogidas en la Luna por los Chinos parecen evidenciar otra cosa.

Lunar samples brought to Earth by Chinese Chang'e-5 in December 2020 contain graphene, a pure carbon form, which seems to oppose the above and therefore call into question the hypothesis of the great protoplanetary impact, so they have to find an explanation to this presence of carbon on the moon.

Las muestras lunares traídas a la Tierra por la sonda china Chang'e-5 en diciembre de 2020 contienen grafeno, una forma de carbono puro, lo que parece contradecir lo expuesto anteriormente y por ello poner en entredicho la hipótesis del gran impacto protoplanetario, por lo que hay que encontrar una explicación a esta presencia de carbono en la Luna.


In order not to have to throw down the mostly accepted theory, now they must explain another way that carbon has been able to reach the moon, some believe that it is because of the interaction of the solar wind with the volcanic floor rich in iron or that possibly the moon has its own carbon capture process and is depositing it on its surface.

Para no tener que tirar abajo la teoría mayormente aceptada ahora hay que explicar de que otra manera ha podido llegar ese carbono a la Luna, unos creen que es por la interacción del viento solar con el suelo volcánico rico en hierro o que posiblemente la Luna tenga su propio proceso de captura de carbono y lo esté depositando en su superficie.

Surely to the common of mortals as I, won't concern very much how the moon has formed, but it is good that the brain of the scientists are busy, and do not devote themselves to thinking evils, now the Chinese have brought them another pile of stones from the hidden face of the Luan, so they will be busy a good time.

Seguramente al común de los mortales como yo nos va a dar un poco igual como se ha formado la Luna, pero está bien que los cerebritos estén ocupados, y no se dedique a pensar maldades y ahora los chinos les han traído otro buen montón de piedras de la cara oculta de la Luan, así que estarán ocupados un buen rato.

More information/Más información,and%20analysis%20of%20the%20samples.


Very interesting mystery that maybe someday we can figure out. Does it really matter how it happened though, not really. We should just be thankful that it's there because without it the world might not be a habitable planet!

It's amazing how these new discoveries can change what we thought we knew about the moon. The presence of graphene there is really unexpected. I actually agree with you on this brother, as long as the scientists brains are busy, they won't have time to think about bad stuff

Even till now, I am really quite impressed to see a whole lot of research been done concerning the moon most especially in taking people there