So true T.T Lab work first
But it only works for stuff with large separation on TLC and non water-sensitive experiments.
Sometimes I am not confident enough to tell that failing a miligram scale reaction is just because the product is so little, or i stuff like moisture ruined my reaction /.\
Yeah!!!! it is really coherent when I saw your pipette column post!!!!!
Yop thats true. Luckily my recently produced intermediats are not that sensitive towards humidity, but funnily they degrade in CDCl3, thus I have to be rather fast in measuring my NMRs. xD
haha, chloroform is quite tricky. I was having a silylenol ether decomposed in a old bottle of chloroform(but not a new one) due to the decomposed HCl, which spend me a few whole day to figure that out 🙈
Ouch that hurts the chemists Heart. 😅