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RE: Human papilomavirus and vaccines

in #science8 years ago

To be honest, I don't have all the links and sources off hand. As I said, I have read many papers on vaccines.
My mind is made up about this HPV vaccination, but I am not an anti-vaxxer. I think there needs to be a lot more studies on safety and I think that every person should ALWAYS have the right to choose. (with out losing benefits, or rights, etc like we have here in Australia)
I think it is obsurd that all vaccine manufacturers are exempt from responsibility for any damage their products cause.
I do not believe in herd immunity, especially given that we really have no idea how much of the adult population is up to date with their own vaccinations. Here in Australia, our records began in 1996, when I was 10. I know for a fact that I have had at LEAST 8 vaccinations since then, but my record is empty. My husband is the same.
I think there are some serious issues with the current schedule. In particular, the way the doses are combined, with single doses being made unavailable, and the fact that a baby, even premature and small for gestational age babies, are receiving the same size dose as an adult. From 2kg to 200kg, one size fits all! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there is a single pharmaceutical that is 'one size fits all', why are vaccines different?

We can continue flashing studies around until the cows come home, but while vaccination exists the argument will always remain. I just wish that no more children have to suffer before the extent of the damage is realised.

Thank you for being respectful during our debate.


"I just wish that no more children have to suffer before the extent of the damage is realised"

I wish the same. The difference is that I think that the best way to reduce the suffer of the children is to improve vaccination. More studies on safety are always good, but how much studies are enough? The more we wait until we consider a vaccine is safe, the more people dies for the virus until the studies are completed. A 30 year study should have made before starting massive vaccination of smallpox? How much people would have died in that period of time?

I agree about every person should always have right to choose, and that right includes the right to be properly informed about that. I try to inform the people the best I can. Most anti-vaccine arguments are false or can be misunderstood, and this I was tried to show in that conversation. I am not telling that all the arguments are wrong, of course.

As far as I know there is no different sizes of vaccines according to age, but the limits in some ingredients like aluminum and mercury are more strict for children and babies.