Re-Application of Redundant Technology for Civilian Science

in #science10 hours ago
Good Morning, Well, 1 Minute to Midnight, alright, now its Morning, 12:00am on the dot, I am quite proud of my internal body clock sometimes, alarm clocks are quite bad for your brain if your not aware, always try and use your own biological internal body clock, if it is practical to do so.

Well isn’t that just Murphys Law, you utilize a rustic process of essentially plying yourself with an extraordinary amount of alcohol to thus induce yourself into a catatonic state to move your internal biological clock to the night side, and then you wake up and of course, there is cloud cover, and so it is every astronomer around the world probably could nod in agreement and sip a cup of coffee and confirm that is true, always the way, when you want to look at least half the time, nature conspires against you, oh well, such is life.


If Its Broke, Maybe Fix It, Gotta Have a Hobby

I always have had, a particular interest in broken technology or redundant technology as a person, I don’t particularly quite know why that is truth be told, but I have a morbid fascination with taking hardware that is broken, and restoring it, and using it for some purpose it was never intended to do.

As it relates to science, I was particularly inspired by an old Cryptocurrency project called Nexus Earth, which is now defunct, so please do not take this as financial advice, it is not, nor a backhanded plug, the crux of the matter is, at the time, it looked interesting because they wanted to launch Cube Satellites into space, quite similar to SpaceX in many regards, and I thought to myself, Cube Satellites? Never heard of that before, researched them and drew the conclusion that it was probably economically viable for a civilian who was successful in the business sector in some way shape or form to actually achieve launching their own array, but of course, why would I want to do that? Well, I am glad you didn’t ask 😊


Rationale for Usage of Old Technology:
So in Science, its rather hard for Astronomers to get usage time on the main observational telescopes that we have in space, for quite logical reasons one must prioritize things efficiently of course with a view to the return on investment, however, truth be told some of the most interesting scientific discoveries we have ever made as a species at times have come from random chance, or just far out ideas that for one reason or another were unable to be explored.

So I essentially concluded that if the blueprints of all the now bygone technologies we have utilized for space science, the old rovers, the old landers, the things the Soviets sent to Venus, the Americans sent to mars, yes perhaps even actually fix Beagle, gosh that was a bit embarrassing wasn’t it England?

That essentially most of those old technologies are all declassified, and the world being the world, unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you want to look at it most of the blueprints for those sorts of things do exist down there on the deep web, which, I am not going to talk about because frankly, I don’t want youth to read about it and start going poking around down there, its very dangerous.

But, that aside, the blueprints are out there, so the general consensus was, be successful in business and finance, and and which point, re develop all that technology, on a economically cheap basis, through proper business acumen and results, at which point you can then ostensibly offer it, for free I might add to scientists and astronomers of all vocations to utilize to essentially play around with them and experiment with all the things the government proper, NASA, ESA, JAXA are unable to Authorize for whatever reason, i.e. its to pie in the sky to do, or something more important to do and what not.

That, was, the plan, and still is, one of my many plans, to essentially set up telemetry infrastructure from now defunct, redundant and de-classified equipment to enable citizen science, want to drop another 1970’s probe into Venus? Ever fancied yourself drag racing rovers around the surface of Mars? Want to dive bomb Cassini into Saturn (I watched that live by the way) to see what atmospheric data you get?

Well, that’s when you come to the Ministry of Gamer Intelligence, we take a look at it, make sure its legal, run it past the government proper just to make sure we are not interfering with anything official and get security clearance of course, and then away you go, all the weird and wonderful science they would never let you do, for whatever reason, that is one, of the many things we do 😊well will do, once I have a line of finance.

To the top of the article as they say, why, why at all, because, I just have a particular fascination with old redundant technology and making things that are allegedly broken, do something they were never intended to do, its almost preserving history in a way, like if you metaphorically brought some grand naval admiral back from the past or something to toddle off into some modern military arrangement or whatever, its just a thing of interest to me, but I have always been this way, I still remember trying to break security with early PDA’s and a calculator when I was in the sixth grade, goodness that was fun.


Alchemy was the Pre-Cursor to Chemistry

On a totally unrelated subject, but just as something fun to end on, despite most of what in the old days we called “Alchemy” is flawed, and it is, it was the basis of Chemistry as we know it today, and, there are many things in Alchemy, that were, forgotten I feel, in the academic process, lost knowledge, lets put it that way, and yes, you can turn led into gold, its just not economically viable to do so at the moment due to the cost of the electrolysis, so this does then logically draw the conclusion to modern day scientists, I guess they weren’t totally all mad after all were they? Mis-informed perhaps, absent of relevant knowledge perhaps, but if that goes one way, stands to logic and reason it also goes the other to the present as well now, doesn’t it? – Not the most absurd hypothesis you have ever read I assume.

I also just remembered, literally right now, as of time of writing there are some supply chain issues with the aircraft that transport the space equipment, and I just invested, and will continue to invest in the logistics sector, which by and large, I assume are American companies, I can fix that problem for you, there will be no more supply chain issues, and I will fix that problem for you, happy to help chaps.