I made a video some time ago I think for a comment on Steemit? Maybe it was part of a post, I can't remember.
This is just a re-post of that video now more people might be around to enjoy it. The point of the video is that the argument of seeing the curvature of Earth from a plane is simply a bad argument if you were to try and convince a flat-earther.
The Earth is way bigger than your head can really comprehend. Here I demonstrate through experimentation with Google Earth something you can apply to any ball-like object that really puts this into perspective, and how despite that, the earth is still round.
This is a great way to show how both sides of the argument are kind of wrong, with an almost tactile approach to reality we can all appreciate. Enjoy!
I was actually going to say the curvature kind of looked obvious from the airplane height :)
Maybe somebody can think about the maths that enables you to calculate the actual visible curvature of the earth. This might be harder than it seems (I had to think about this for a while and at 6am in the morning and it was beyond me!). Maybe tomorrow....
Well I mean, it's objectively curved, if you just put a ruler against it, but from the subjective mind, if you want to believe it's flat, it's not as absurd as you might think. Likewise, if we really want to believe a flat plane is round, our mind could give some concessions that way, too. So on a plane, it's simply not enough to be convinced, especially with weather conditions/atmosphere involved. Nice image though, not sure what you made it with...
How do you know it's not the ruler that's bent? Ever heard of Einstein's theory of rulerativity?
ahahah, the rulertivity law is far too complex for a working man like me to comprehend. Straight... curves??
Yeh I kind of went away from the original premise of your post there. Still it made me think what is the actual amount of visible curvature and how does one calculate the angle of dip as shown in the diagram. Btw that diagram was made using Blender. I just added a sphere and moved the camera to just above the top of the sphere.
Oh, nice. Feel free to calculate. I believe I've seen specific earth-curvature calculators in my previous flat earth debates. They love to use the angle calculators to prove it's impossible to see ships at a certain distance or whatever...
Does this make you one of those weird in-between people. Like, a curved plate earther or something?
Is there such a society I can join??
The earth is flat or levels are a lie :)
Yep that's the real argument that sold me tbh. Like, how does a bus drive with all four wheels on the ground??
The flat earther could just say the curvature is a result of the curved glass window in the airplane. Or something. Installed on purpose to fool us. I mean, it's not like these people will suddenly get conspiracy-shy just because you put them in an airplane. :D
I liked the video, and if I understood the overall argument correctly, it might be similar to that Wittgenstein anecdote:
In other words, you're saying to the flat earther: if the earth was a ball, would it look any different to what you're experiencing right now? Take a zoom lens and look at a baseball real close, or else look at Google Earth and don't take it to be the Earth, just take it to be some ball, and see how your experiences are replicated on it...
Yep that's a good quote! You could maybe get a basketball and once heavily zoomed onto a snooker ball, rotate it ar... wait this experiment would be incredibly hard to set up the more I think about it.
Are you trying to tell us the earth isn't flat? Cause that'd be silly. The proof is in the bananas. When you look at a banana, it looks like it's in 3D. But then open it, and look at the peel.
lol Julie.
Hahah... Bananas are always such a source of wisdom
Unless you just happen to be flying on a Concorde plane (retired 2003), you may be able to get that debatable curvature at 60,000 feet (11.3 miles). Though we can only put the argument to rest when space tourism kicks off :)
Or maybe the
Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird
One of the fastest manned jet to grace the sky.
Never did get the chance to go on a concord =(
I guess flat earther's will find a reason to refuse any space tourism. Like the government trying to remove them or somethin!
They love their conspiracies :)
As I recently told @greenrun in one of his posts, space tourism will end this debate once and for all.
It would be fun to take a group of people believing in the flat earth, and film their reaction when they are in the space seeing with their own eyes they were wrong.
A video like that can easily become viral haha.
Yep but as I said above, they will probably refuse, saying they'll go on their own terms with their own design - which will never happen... as we've seen. It'll never end, don't believe that for a second!
I'm sure flat-earthers believe, trust, and use many things they cannot see or even understand. Phone, the Internet, TV, their car, etc. etc. They are just doing it because of:
a) a spectacular failure in education
b) religious and political brain-washing that teaches people not to think
c) social outcasts desperate to fit in with some in-crowd
d) pure laziness
e) rampant sport trolling by the bored, lazy, and childish
I'm sure the list goes on - add your own below.
I think C and E are the primary causes, along with fear and confusion of a complicated and incomprehensible world. Denying what you're told to be true is a way to feel in control of your fate and existence. I really think this is the case for the most part!
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So you say that people walk upside down on the other side of the Earth? :D
so basically you are now backtracking globe earth theory and just saying we can't see it.
I have questions that can't be answered by ball earth...
what separates the vacuum of space from our atmosphere?
how can the Suez Canal be 100 miles and absolutely level, connecting two oceans? ball earth theory predicts 80+ feet of change.
why are NASA photos of earth different each year? why are they composites?
why can't the astronauts agree if we can see stars? (why wouldn't you, but they say they couldn't on apollo missions)
why do gyroscopes not move?
the sun moves to the right during sunset, you can watch it yourself. pick a point in the horizon, and watch the sun move to the right of it.
these are some of the reasons ball earth theory just can't be true, the sun is the same size as the moon... the tide occurs multiple times a day (explained that the EARTH is actually being pulled by the moon... look it up) in some place it doesn't .. they can't explain that either.
Can't you just Google these things? I'm sure they're the same old hat questions many people must have asked online before and people would have answered them. Whether or not they satisfy you is up to you and your determination to deny it. I can have a shot though (it's 2:30AM so I don't wanna start googling into things for now).
Yes I'm saying the argument that we can see the curvature from a plane is a bad argument. Though we can KIND OF see it at that height, it's not enough to convince somebody who wouldn't want to believe it. It would be up for debate at that height, as you can see in the video. The Earth is much bigger than we all imagine, that's all.
The vacuum is separated in the same way oil separates from water. There's no force acting on us, so gravity keeps it down. I know you might not believe in gravity, but that's just what it is. Everything with mass has gravity, and Earth's gravity is enough to keep the air down.
I don't know much about the suez canal so you can just google that, but I'm sure it's only absolutely level to a functional degree, as in, no ship would have to bend around a curve or whatever
Nasa - when you take a picture of the sun, you don't get a perfect representatiotn of what it is, you get a bunch of bleed and blur and overly contrasted garbage. You need filters and composites to get around these things on the Earth, too. Size is also a factor since not all satellites are that high up to get a full shot. Different cameras and satellites have different wavelengths and so on - there are lots of reasons. NASA is very open about this and actually provide full detailed explanations on their website if you care to look.
I don't know about what astrornauts agree on
I'm not ssure the point of the gyroscope thing? I haven't heard that argument before but I'm sure you just don't have a good enough gyroscope or something.
The sun appears to move to the right due to the spin of the globe, yes, nothing controversial there as far as I can tell.
The tides can very easily be explained - and to be clear, both the sun and the moon affect the tides. This does admittedly create a very complex scenario. Things aren't always beautifully simple in a way that you can just tip your had and instantly get it. That's just not how the Universe works. Consider, you have the axial tilt of the earth, the rotation speed, the moon's tilt and elliptical orbit and plane of revolution, the eliptical orbit of the earth around the sun, and more, all interplaying with each other to create a complex scenatio that makes the earth bulge out in the centre and all kinds of fun details.
But it's not unexplained. It's all very clearly understood. Here I did this one Google for you, there are lots of people discussing the details here, you can also YouTube the question if you prefer:
If you sit down and take the time to understand these things, you'll find it's really quite fascinating. If you have a question after that, google it and there will be an answer for that too, until you're satisfied - unless you don't want to be satisfied in which case, the story ends =)
no... no no no no no... this makes no sense.
fairy tales can be interesting. but I prefer more solid evidence than ridiculous theories about the moon puling the earth creating the second tide. (and 4 in some places, and 1 in others... what?)
let me remind you that gravity is an unproven theory, that has a long history of changing the numbers to make the heliocentric model work.
here are the astronauts consult each other before answering the question about looking into the black void. then go on to say how they can see stars. later in the video you can see the Apollo astronauts say they could not see any.
What do you mean it makes no sense? The vacuum is not the same as a 'vacuum cleaner' - there's no sucking power. It's just nothingness. Perhaps the oil and water analogy was bad but the point is that gravity on earth attracts all the matter out there, leaving the nothingness empty. Air is gaseous matter also attracted by gravity - a vaccuum is not. Simple.
There's no solid evidence of flat earth, I'm sorry to say. Most of it depends on YouTube videos asking questions and doubting science. This isn't evidence, nor is it solid. It's just asking questions in a rhetorical manner as if to make you think and go 'oh yeah, well since I don't know the answer, now I'm suspicious'.
That's not how things work.
No, gravity is a proven theory. It's only unproven to you because you don't read the literature on it and instead create this idea - with no evidence - that the earth is hurtling through space providing a downward force. I would welcome any effort for you and others to go into space and take a picture of this - the technology is there ready and waiting.
As for the video, they say it in the video - From the day side of the moon. That guy literally says 'the sunlight washes out all the starlight'. How does this not make sense? Mike Massimino and the other astronaut were not on the moon with a huge reflective surface. This isn't some special space phenomenon, this is just common knowledge.
If you shine a torch into your face head on in the middle of the night, it's unlikely you'll see any trees or stars in the sky until you turn the light off.
Again, you claim there's no evidence, but here we are with thousands and thousands of in depth papers - not just by government officials, but by anyone who can do a bit of maths and physics. Anyone is free to learn equations and figure it out.
There are precisely zero pieces of evidence for anything you guys say. You just deny, that simply doesn't count.
natural abhors a vacuum. that is a saying. there is a reason for it, wherever there is a void, it will be filled. to maintain a void is very difficult to maintain.
actually that is exactly why they are called vacuums. here is a link explaining how vacuum cleaners work.
did you watch like 5 seconds? because a few minutes later a guy (from ISS) says he could see the stars, even on the sun side.
also found a video of the 4th man to walk on the moon (supposedly) ... he says they had air conditioners to keep them cool. yet the apollo 13 astronauts claimed they almost froze (that appears to be the official story now since A/C is so much more battery intensive that a heater) you only need watch 30 seconds or so to hear the contradiction. watch the full video to see that there is plenty more where this small snippet comes from.
as for gravity... there is no actual facts backing it up. only the watching of the skies and then cramming a theory that appears to fit the data. that is not the same as a scientific test. a scientific test controls the environment and performs an experiment under extremely controlled circumstances that require that 99% of the variables be known and we test the unknown.
yet gravity cannot be tested in this way. the 'force' of gravity is so weak to not be testable (if it exists at all).
i'm not denying, i am out right proving that space makes no sense (as it has been proposed) ... proven that NASA astronauts can't keep the story straight to such a huge degree as to confuse whether or not they could see stars... and whether or not the lunar module heated up or was freezing.
gravity is unproven by itself, (so nothing to deny) but it needs to be un-deified (lose its sacred place as being a truth vs being a theory)
peace brother, i hope you are really seeking the truth, because that is all i offer, if you are not... well it is hard to tell the difference between cognitive dissonance that keeps you from seeing and being a pawn.
so i will pray this finds a real human being and you have an interesting in uncovering the truth.
Ok there's a lot to cover here so I'm going to write another quick post just for you and I'll try and paint it as clearly as I can. Feel free to check it out soon, or not, up to you!
The Earth is a cube. Join the cube Earth society, we have beer.
All kidding aside, these guys at Overlook horizon launch balloon payloads up to 100,000 ft and can get pictures of the Earth's curvature.
Fish Eye lens, obviously. Come on you can do better than that =P
I remember the cube earth post!