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RE: Flat Earth - The End Debate

in #science8 years ago

Though crypto may invite more technologically advanced minds, I'm not sure it brings more intelligent people on the whole.

The paranoid and skeptical people are drawn to this technology en masse for its anonymity, for example, the idea of being free from the constraints of the government.

It's less about intelligence and more about who you're surrounded by. If you have a wacky idea like orange is green, you get ridiculed... UNLESS the small group around you agree that orange is green and support you, and show you evidence to support it. As vague or cherry picked as it might be, it appeals to the human brain, desperate to be pleased and confirmed.

Depending on people's upbringing can decide whether you're a muslim, hindu, flat earther, breatharian or what. It's a phenomenal psychological quirk of human nature. We're all capable of it, i reckon.


What is a Breatharian?

People who believe they don't need to eat, and can survive on the energy of the Universe alone. And that they have managed to live for years without eating more than a fruit in a week or something, just for social occasions