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RE: Is the earth really flat ???

in #science7 years ago (edited)

if we actually would live under a biodome, we would observe the exact same night sky, think about it. also, if we would finally go to other planets, would we geoengineer an entire planet in one go, or would we first build bases, like biodomes there first? and if we would make such a large bio dome, would a flattened surface, or floor not be a nice thing to have? if we ever did go up and discovered a solid know dome above us, would that not be enough proof of a god to you? that is a thing science would not like to see happen im sure lol. i would call them scientist probably, or space crews whatever. but many would fall onto their knees as well im sure. to me if there was a solid dome, separating us from the vacuum (what makes more sense, direct contact with a vacuum, or a separation between us?), it would mean creation was true, no, dont go run to a bible, but yes, to me biblical texts are a kind of history, not saying it is all original and not saying it wasn't sorted and lacking much information, but still a part of history. again sciences pushes darwinism, they cant allow for a creator, nor extraterrestrial life, as one alien being would destroy all their science, all the control over us, in 5 minutes, while laughing at us, silly humans.

then, there can actually be no visible light in space, as light needs matter to fall onto, before it can be seen. matter starts, at the edge of our atmosphere. this is where we actually see the stars, not in deep space directly but close to earth, where we have a thin film like layer the light is projected on. space can only be projected through, not ON. we only see light the moment of impact with matter, a solid enough surface. these particles are already present around the earth, water molecules in the atmosphere act like tiny prisms creating like a projection screen on which we can observe the universe from the surface.

on top of that, nasa lies to us big time, why? gravity is fake, einstein is bullshit, the moon landings were fake, the iss is fake, why? so many ancient sites and information hidden from our sight, why? what are they hiding is all i ask. they remove all the good stuff and tell us stories, and in the meanwhile taxrape us to death. i use to be so sure about the shape of the earth, but when i see the satellite hoax, the nuclear weapon hoax, moon landing and iss hoax.... we could literally live under a created biodome, on some remote ice moon, and live our entire lives like the truman show, or more like the truman zoo, and never even suspect it, never even knowing it, our entire lives? the ancients kept drawing the stars in the firmament, why? who told them? the sumerians had everything we have now, including our intellect, if not more as they invented most we have today, ethics, schools, laws, music, many many things we regard as high civilisation, came from sumer, we even use their moon charts and calendars to this day.

no north south circumnavigation ever performed... weird shadow angle on the moon during the morning when the sun is coming up, ships from behind the horizon, brought back with super zoom cameras and telescopes, the same night sky all year, no 12 hour time difference between summer and winter equinoxes.... the list goes on and on and on. i recently became earth shape agnostic, we dont have a ship, we can not go up and see for ourselves, and we are being lied to big time for sure. im not even ashamed anymore, i know people will think it is weird, but i have done a lot of thinking actually, a lot of research, and well, i think im being realistic here, no longer lying to myself. but you can go ahead and make fun of me now, i just wanted to share my perspective.