I agree that human life has more value than an animal, but I do love animals. I, too, try to eat meat from places that treat their animals well in life.
But I do think that perhaps there is a lot of unnecessary testing - how many drugs do we have that aren't really about saving a life, but only treating a minor symptom that could be treated with diet or lifestyle change?
So I don't think it's as cut-and-dry as saying it's OK to do drug testing on animals. And who regulates the humane treatment of these animals? I'm asking because I honestly don't know if there is anything in place here. I don't trust pharmaceutical companies to do the right thing.
Of course, it's unlikely that every test is necessary and every animal is treated as well as possible. That's why I said that I hope other researchers feel like I do.
On the upside, at least in Germany animal testing laws are so strict and annoying that researchers try to avoid having to use animals whenever possible, just to avoid having to fill out papers.
It's something I guess.
It's good to hear that Germany does that at least! US should follow suit.