The NanoCar Race!
In this post I will now, as promised, take a closer look at the technical & chemical-physical background of nano-cars. Of course I will have to use published data only. Let's get into this: This post is the long ago promised and pending follow-up post to my winning contribution to #suesas-sciencechallenge:
- What is a nano-car?
- How does nano cars look and work?
In this image the winning dipolar racer of the Rice-Graz Team can be seen:
- Which setup allows to work on such an incredible scale?
A voltage bias is applied, what leads to a very small, but measureable electron flux between the sample surface and the tip. This is called the tunneling current I. The tunneling current depends exponentially on the distance between the two metal entities. To move the tip across the surface piezo-electric materials P are used. By applying high-voltages to those piezos their extensions can be tuned on the right scale to move the tip very precisely for only a few Nanometers or even Ångstroms in the desired direction. To allow movement in all three dimensions there are three piezos: Px, Py and Pz.
Although extremely smooth and pure metal surfaces with highly precise cutting directions are used for these investigations, these surfaces also show irregularities and defects (B). Usually there are step edges (A), ie steps between two differently high atomic layers. As the tip crosses such features the control unit retracts the tip by changing the high-voltage applied to the Pz-piezo. Therefore preventing a crash of the tip into the surface, which would damage the whole setup. Eventually the actions performed by the control unit to maintain a constant tunneling current, while scanning across a surface, can be used to produce images of the investigated surface by using pseudocolor scales. Of course to work properly and very precisely it is necessary to cool the whole set-up down to roughly 4 K (equals -269 °C). This is then called Low-Temperature-STM (LT-STM) and as molecules are lying on the sample, they will freeze to the surface and thermal motion stops. This again allows a more precise work!
With this setup one can image and work on a scale so small, that a STM allows seeing, touching, moving and even "hearing" (spectroscopy) single molecules!
The STM is therefore lovingly referred to as a potent extension of the eyes, hands and ears of physicists and chemists.
- How can individual nano-car molecules be moved?
Step 1: The molecules have to be deposited onto the surface.
Step 2: The STM scans the surface, to find intact molecules.
Step 3: The STM tip is brought into close vicinity to the nano-car molecule.
Step 4: Any specific type of interaction (physical or non-physical) is induced.
ad Step 1: Usually a STM is housed in an ultra-high vacuum chamber to preclude any undesired contamination of the surface. In this clean environment the desired molecules are first evaporated and second allowed to adsorb on the sample surface.
- How was the winning dipolar racer molecule driven?
Since the two well-established manipulation methods pushing (via Pauli-Repulsion) and pulling (via Van-der-Waals Interaction) were considered as "touching the molecule" - and therefore prohibited - the co-op team of the University of Graz and University of Rice went for electrostatic interaction. This newly investigated process was then routinely repeated during the race to maneuver the molecule on the given race track.
- How was the winning dipolar racer molecule synthesized?
most efficient nano-car ever:
In the first step the amino group is protected and its' sterical requirements are increased. Therefore in the second step a standard aromatic nitration in para-position to the amid functionality can be performed. In the following step the wheels and axels are attached to the chassis by a Sonogashira-Coupling reaction. Deprotection and conversion of the primary to the tertiary amine are the last steps.
- How did the other participant molecules of the race look like and how did they move?

An "inelastic" propulsion mechanism means that the STM tip is placed above or at least very close to the molecule and the applied bias is increased. Therefore the amount and the energy of the injected electrons is raised, which in turn allows energetic excitation of the nano-car molecule. As it is in an excited state is can overcome the diffusion barrier and therefore can start jumping and moving around.
I hope you have enjoyed this scientific excursion into the background of nano-cars.
If there are still questions, feel free to ask them in the comments!
For more scientific insights follow me!
General Information is published in a Nature Nanotechnology Paper
Images #1 and #3 are taken from the Nature Nanotechnology Paper
Image #2 is self-designed, owned by myself
Synthetic Route Image #4 is published in a Supplementary
Image #5 is taken from a Nature Reviews Materials Paper
Further Links
Official NanoCar Race - Homepage
NanoCar Race - YouTube Channel
Really nice!!!!!
Btw i am thinking that if you do a di methylation on the aniline, then nitration with those nitronium salt before the Sonogashira coupling, then you can cut down to a 3 steps synthesis!!
Thanks for your comment!
I think you made a good point here. But you also have to consider, that the conditions for nitration also allow the reverse-methylation reaction, therefore you would start to in-situ-regenerate the unprotected primary amine. And the amid is indeed expected to be more stable and sterically more favorable in terms of directing the next reaction step.
Nontheless, I guess your idea is worth trying. ;-)
PS: I am not the synthetic chemist, who did the synthesis but this is the way our team did it ;-)
Haha no worry, its just my occupational disease😂😂
The synthesis presentd by your is pretty classic but teadous.
Actually i mean using nitronium salt like nitronium tetrafluoroborate (and of coz in the absent of water). Usually demethylation require nucleophile, thats why i think only nitronium salt works but not nitric acid, so you dont really need install the -Ac protecting group and deprotection XDD
Got ya. Nice idea. ;-)
wow great work :D woohoo so cool :D
Very good explanation, and it's something new to me that we can control molecules using electrostatic field I have a question, IS IT REALLY POSSIBLE?
In the presented setup: of course, the whole race was won with the described molecule by using the explained procedure. I myself directed the molecule across a Ag(111) surface by repeatedly applying small electric fields to the molecule. ;)
If it is hard to believe, have a look in the Nature Nanotechnology Paper and the whole incredible documentation of the NanoCar Race Event. There are so many broadcasted interviews, videos and also written reports in scientific and even non-scientific journals that can be found.
Also many interviews with the corresponding professors, chemists and pilots, who developed, synthesized and drove the molecules can be found for example on BBC Click, CBC quirks, NPR, the official NanoCar Race YouTube Channel and there is even the video of the win of our molecule.
Have a look and enjoy!
PS: Keep in mind that electric fields are much more powerful on a molecular scale than for example gravitational forces.
Woooo, Great, Thanks for explaining I'll definitely watch this news and reports.
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<waiting... ;)
Waiting for what honey? :-)😋😎
Dinner and a glas of wine? 😉
Sounds like an exquisite idea :-)
Seee i have some good ideas😉 So teamwork, you cook as in work & i drink wine as in team🤗 😉😋
Im gona tell you a secret, Soo shyyy dont tell anyone, ok? I was "waiting "on new post 🤣😇😂 but this was wayyy nicer🙃😋 Omg did i say that out load?😉
Since i like cooking - this creative interpretation of "Teamwork" is fine for me. 😋
Okok. There will come some in a few days. But right now busy. ;-)
Im kind of good, riiight?😂🤣😉
Hmm just so i know, wazzz did we have for dinner???🙄😜 you cant leave me hanging wiz just wine😜
Sounds fab, il do soundcheck again then😀😉💗