In the middle of his night journey, Abu Yazid al-Bisthami meets a dog. * With a swift, lifted gamisnya, with the intention of not exposed to unclean *. Spontaneously the dog stopped and looked at Abu Yazid. * By the power of Allah, Abu Yazid heard the dog talking to him, "O Yazid, my body is dry, will not cause you to be unclean. * If you have impurity, then you must wash it 7x, with water and soil My unclean will disappear, but if you lift up your gamma, for clothed in humans, feel more noble and think me despicable, * impure in your heart, will not be able to erase, you cleaned with water from the 7 oceans II Abu Yazid was surprised to hear the dog's words.
but the dog refused. Then the dog said: "You can not be friends and walk with me, because the people who glorify you will scoff at you and throw me with a cough and I do not know why they think I am despised, * when I have surrendered to My Creator of this Being * There is nothing I carry, not even a piece of bone as my stock, while you still carry a bag of grain. " * Then the dog passed .. * From a distance Abu Yazid looked at the dog, walked away. Not tara ea tears of Abu Va id manatae and he
How can I be worthy of walking with you? * Forgive me, purify the unclean in my heart II This * Masya Allah ... Never * FEEL OVER NOBLE than all of Allah's creation. Do not also feel better, more respectful than others, * because God sees your heart not a physical appearance and that Goodness does not need to be revealed, * Allah is Knowing our sincerity and sincerity *. Tawadu in faith and morals. Bening hearts with * dzikrullah & giyamul lail *. * May Allah SWT make our hearts clear and clean from all the dirt *, the disease of the inner and outer so that do not want any specks judge, reproach and