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RE: A Short Intro: Deserts of the World (and why you should give a damn)

in #science7 years ago

Wow, it's a real scientific article, but I managed to go through a good fraction of it. You seem to really be an expert in this area. I enjoy studying complex systems, and seeing what emerges from them. One thing I find interesting is this Liebig’s Law. I was thinking it might apply to human sociology to... Limit the resources, limit the growth of the population... But does it take into account the adaptability of a species in finding an alternative ? ;-).


Thank you for your kind words, though my write-up is just a simple synthesis. It's not even a formal one. A lot of the complex ecological concepts in the environment can actually be explained through physics and chemistry, so I think you'll do well in this field.😊

I think when it comes to the human population, the clash is between Malthusian/Neo-Malthusian point of view vs Curnocopian/Neo-Curnocopian point of view when it comes to resources. Liebig's Law is strictly for resources directly responsible for an organism's growth. But yes, I think some parts of its concept could be adapted to sociology.😇

EDIT: Yes, a species' adaptability to find an alternative resource is also taken into account. Such phenomenon sometimes leads to increased speciation.