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RE: a

in #science7 years ago (edited)

Let me ask you something, if its a spinning globe, how come no one has circumnavigated from the North to South pole?
Also how come NASA keeps changing what the earth looks like with there shots they take? Look at the top middle and the bottom left, both of NA. The top NA looks small and very green with deep blue water, the lower one is huge and is mostly desert looking with more greyish-lighter blue looking water. I didnt realize continent could grow over time, did you guys???


NASA is full of b/s


It sounds like you are just repeating arguments and not even bothering to think about this yourself. Your questions are nonsensical and fallacious. So, for your first 'question', how would that show the earth was flat if no one had circumnavigated north to south? If it impossible on the globe model and possible on the flat model? Can you show me a diagram of why it would be impossible on a globe? Are their hundreds of sailors throwing up their hands complaining that they tried to do this and simply couldn't because all the maps are wrong? Your 'question' doesn't seem to make the slightest bit of logical sense.

And wouldn't the fact that people HAVE circumnavigated the entirely of Antarctica be a more meaningful measure of definitive proof of something? Specifically that the model the flat earthers use is 100% debunked with that one fact alone?

For your second 'question', NASA has ZERO to do with the shape of the earth. There are literally DOZENS of impossibilities on a flat earth. I simply ignore all arguments of NASA entirely. They are not needed to falsify flat earth 100%. You DO realize that we disproved the flat earth with 100% certainty LONG before NASA ever existed, right?

Your are using a logical fallacy called a 'non sequitur'. It simply 'does not follow' that if NASA lies, then the earth if flat. That is literally bizarre reasoning that I cannot even comprehend. It literally states that you can read minds or use a crystal ball and know the motivation behind any lie they might be telling. It's a ludicrous argument that is logically and factually flawed.

Ignore NASA. What are you left with? NOT a flat earth. Because it's impossible in dozens upon dozens of easily provable ways. For instance, just do a time lapse of the sun using a solar filter. The sun size does not change. That CANNOT occur on a flat earth. That is definitive proof, something you can do yourself, that the earth is not flat, and strongly supports a globe.

so you have no answer for my first question than? Im asking these questions cuz I have thought about them, and Ive done research and I cant find any evidence of North to South circumnavigation. Hence why I thought Id ask and see if you had any answers.
But now you have gone and done what every other globe earther has done, and just told me that Im wrong and Im living in a fairy tale world.

and I only bring up NASA cuz I havent seen any other images of the earth from anyone else. Just NASA, and they all seem to be very different from each other.
Why would the sun size change? I never said it changes, where did you get that from?

I was EXTRAORDINARILY polite to you. And I didn't answer your questions because they are IRRELEVANT. And I EXPLAINED why they are irrelevant to the shape of the earth.

The fact is that you have not thought about your questions. You are just repeating nonsense. I asked you to show me a DIAGRAM or some other REASON why you think that sailing the north to south pole would be impossible on a globe, but possible on a flat earth, such that it is even a valid question. But you didn't even explain why you think that, you just repeated that you can't figure out why no one has. But you can't say why it's RELEVANT to the shape of the earth why no one has.

If you are just interested in the answer because it interests you, perhaps a sailing forum rather than a post about the shape of the earth, would be a better place to pose such a question? Just saying.

I then told you that NASA is not needed to determine the shape of the earth, and gave you TWO FACTS that are IMPOSSIBLE on a flat earth.

And you just come back and insult me and tell me that I told you you are living a fantasy, when what I SAID is that you are making fallacious arguments, and that flat earth is IMPOSSIBLE and told you WHY it's impossible. You are not only being rude, but totally dishonest.

Your questions are not even RELEVANT. It's a NON SEQUITUR to say that NASA lies so the earth is flat. It's a bizarre thought process that one can even begin to conclude such a thing. I am uninterested in spending my day discussing the intricacies of NASA photographs. It will get no one anywhere and is not needed to determine the shape of the earth. If your thing is debunking NASA, please feel free to do so elsewhere. But it's irrelevant to the shape of the earth and I have no idea why you believe NASA is needed in order to determine the shape of the earth or how, even if EVERYTHING they do or so is a lie, how it's relevant to the shape of the earth.

As far as the sun changing, I did not SAY you said it changes, I gave you a link to say that it MUST change size, but doesn't. That SINGLE fact alone debunks flat earth. Period.

You didn't even READ the link that I gave you, then you come back and ask why the sun would change size, when it's EXPLAINED there. Please stop making ridiculous accusations and talking about NASA, and at LEAST go read the article I sent you to in my LAST post that you didn't bother reading to know WHY the sun on a flat earth MUST change size.. but doesn't. And why the circumnavigation of Antarctica, that HAS been done MANY MANY times is impossible on a flat earth.

If you'd like to have discussion further, please eliminate the NASA bit, and provide a relevant reason for a question you are asking of me. And address the impossibilities in the flat earth model as well. I gave you two already, and can give you dozens upon dozens more.

whoa chill out man. I dont think its impossible on a globe to sail from North to South Poles cuz if the earth is a globe you could just keep on sailing down the other side. But on a flat earth you wouldnt be able to continue down the other side you would have to turn around and come back. Hence why I asked why there is no evidence of anyone sailing to the north pole and keep sailing all the way around to the other side of the south pole.

Im sorry if I insulted you, I was just asking questions. I dont care about NASA I only brought them up, cuz all the imagery Ive seen is from them.

I read your posts, the first one just explains what non sequitar means which I dont know why you posted. and the second one I didnt really understand what you were saying.

I just think the things were taught are questionable, so I ask questions

I'm happy that you are asking questions, but they seemed like the flat earther 'trap' questions. They do this all the time and ask a really irrelevant question that they think they 'gotcha'.

I would suspect that the north to south circumnavigation would be because it would be bloody hard. It's not just 'sailing down and sailing back', you'd have to go half way around Antarctica to do it, and people even get trapped in the ice pack all the time. I'm sure if you went on a sailing forum, they could answer your question better. Again, if you have a question about sailing, it would make more sense to ask on a sailing forum. Asking on this implies that you somehow think it's impossible on a globe to do so.

And the reason I say it's a non-sequitur to bring up NASA is because, again, bringing it up on a post about the shape of the earth implies that somehow IF NASA is lying, that somehow would help us determine the shape of the earth. It makes no sense, but tons of people actually make that logical leap.

So, keep asking questions and trying to find answers, but I'd suggest going to the appropriate experts to find questions like that. For instance, people often say, "Oh yeah, well if the earth is a globe, why can you see Venus at night?"

It's a good question, but one that if they are asking, they obviously didn't bother to first check for the answer on an astronomy forum. Your question is a sailing question, best answered by sailors, wouldn't you think?

Thanks for stopping by.

It sounds like you are just repeating arguments

It isn't like you've brought anything new to the table here.

Of course I haven't. We've known the earth is a sphere for 2000 years. Why would my not bringing anything new to the table change that fact?

While the sphere idea may be 2000 years old, it was by no means the popularly accepted idea. A few hundred years is about all the globe can claim, and that has never been unanimous.

That is incredibly untrue. It's what flat earth YouTube videos tell you, and you are not bothering to fact check it.

It's what the school system taught me about 1492.

Great. So, you've made it clear that you are unable to fact check.