
Hi dear, the compound you found has been discovered before other than ignite samples? is there any difference due to different temperature zones of ignite samples? Is it has any significant role in hydrocarbon fuel production? these are just my queries..just for my own info. Thanks for the nice post and keep it up. Soon I am going to publish my research work that is related to using triacylglycerols as biomarkers to find out the mixing or adulteration of meat or meat products using LCMS/MS (Hybrid Ion trap/Orbitrap)

Opppsss ...sorry lignite....not ignite...

Good luck on your PhD defence!

Muy Buena Suerte..

Very good article. I also believe valuable data and unpublished discoveries can bypass the peer-review system using Steemit. We reach a wider audience and readers can decide what is worthy of recognition.

Good luck on your PhD defence! keep it up ...

Very interesting! Is it too early to say what potential uses a compound like this could have (related to your conclusion that you hope this discoverw ill have a big impact on chemistry / coal development)? I love seeing quality original science posting here on Steem, thanks so much for sharing your research!

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Absolutely my pleasure <3

that's pretty cool, does this compound have any novel physical or chemical characteristics?

wow interesting .. good .. keep it p :)@nataschachem

Waoo interesante investigacion. Me gusta la quimica y me gustaria especializarme en ella . saludos.

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I won't pretend I understood everything but what I do understand is that steemit was made for people like you, @natachachem. You have my support for what it's worth, keep up the good work!

Amazing Post !!!

Good night. .. i please help me for everything that produces good value ,, because I am new in steemit

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I grew up surrounded by Chamaecyparus hedges.... Have you any idea if this makes for a better or worse type of coal to use - for ... burning or whatever (clearly I'm not a scientist; but I love new discoveries)?

Really educative, love your posts, makes science really interesting. following you, please follow me back

interesting thanks for sharing it with us

Thank you for the great article you shared

Best Regards

Congratulations on your discovery of the trans and cis isomers of your compound. I should imagine the sample clean up step was very lenghty. you mentioned dehydroictexanes are difficult to measure in low concentrations, would you say using LC-MS/MS and a softer ionisation eg., ESI would be gain you sensitivity?

That's great thanks. Yes I believe GC is most commonly used for these types of samples and if not necessary no need to spend money for a more expensive instrument. I was just curious whether you were looking to detect at lower levels.

Awesome discovery! Love to see advances in science.

That's pretty fucking awesome man!

Now how long until a Facebook article appears claiming it cures cancer?

Holy. Talked about something so detailed I couldn't hope to understand it.

Good write up I have been waiting for something like this so long until I found this very lovely😀 keep it going🔝

La diferencia entre los distintos tipos de carbón radica en la proporción aromática y el bitumen

@nataschachem You are aware that once you publish your research result here or in any blog in internet before publishing a actual paper, you cannot publish your work in any reputable journal right? Since you are a chemist and you may in future want to publish in a good chemistry journal...let me copy and paste the publishing policy from the Journal of American Chemical Society (JACS), as an example, to make you aware of the publishing policy.

"The Journal of the American Chemical Society considers for publication only original work that has not been previously published and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. When submitting a manuscript, an author should inform the editor of any prior dissemination of the content in print or electronic format. This includes electronic posting of conference presentations, posters, and preprints on institutional repositories and any other Web sites. Any content that has been made publicly available, either in print or electronic format, and that contains a significant amount of new information, if made part of a submitted manuscript, may jeopardize the originality of the submission and may preclude consideration for publication."

This policy applies to most of the chemistry journal including organic or inorganic chemistry.

If this is just a preliminary work and still actual data (unpublished) need to be collected, then cheers to you for a wonderful PhD work. I would love to know more about the implication of finding cis-dehydroicetexane in the coal in Serbia.

That is great to hear! Looking forward to read your paper. Thanks!

Wow! Followed!! Fantastic work! Good luck with yout PHD write up. I do look forward reading your published work sometime!

Te felicito y sigas con tu proyecto, que el día de la ponencia satisfactoria para seguir con los avances de la ciencia.

I have little inderstanding what exactly is gojng on here but i love that you can now share such knowledge such as this in such a manner thanks for spreading the knowledge!!

Wow not only are you adventurous but you are ridiculously smart too. I'm not going to pretend I understood any of your science notes, but I respect the fact that you made them. Good luck with the research! I hope you get to publish a lot of papers from it

wow.. i love science too... keep up the fantastic work .. all the best from Scotland

@nataschachem : Its very nice to see high-quality science related articles in steemit. Best wishes from India :)

Sounds like hocus pocus to me... but still was curious to read. Still nice to get a sneak peak in how some things work. Will upvote.

Thank you for this informative post! I've been involved in few research projects too and posting potential discoveries like this is really a great idea. The whole steemit platform is with yoy in conducting a thorough research on it! Keep it up! And keep on inspiring aspiring scientists like me! Hehe

Kudos to you for tackling what is still a very male dominated field in many countries. Good luck with your thesis - I have a feeling you have a very successful career ahead. And don't forget to document everything legally as well - you want your discovery and any potential monetization opportunities to be protected.