Its called "ISS". Ah now we have hologramms of ISSs in the sky. It gets better. How can you make this kind of hologram and how does it work? That would be very interesting.
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Its called "ISS". Ah now we have hologramms of ISSs in the sky. It gets better. How can you make this kind of hologram and how does it work? That would be very interesting.
ask your slaveholder which you so much defend how to achieve that. at this point we can only guess. project bluebeam...? one thing for sure is the isis is not up there in space, but most likely in a desalinated swimming pool. it's called the incompetent scuba scam for a reason. green screen fakery check, harnesses check, virtual / augmented / deminished reality technology check, zero-g planes with parabolic flights (vomit comet) check.
There might be an easier explanation...
But I guess when you can't explain something just invent something new is easier than changing the perspective. I think I'll stop arguing with you this was very helpful. Thanks
no, thank you! your recurring comments helped me staying up higher in the trending =) peace on the stationary plane. death to the globe.
Death to the ball!