A minister in China named Liu Ch'Ung living in 995 AD is pictured as having two eyeballs and being a debate whether it is real or not, although many still believe in the truth and the wax statue of Liu Ch'Ung is still in the Ripley museum, and the condition of his two eyeballs termed "Pupula Duplex"
polycoria condition
duplex pupula is not the actual term used in modern ophthalmology. Its origins from its ancient rumors of authenticity and evidence are debatable, and it could be possible duplex pupils including a modern definition of a polycoria medical case that is described as a condition in which there are many openings in the iris resulting from hypoplasia localized from iris stroma and pigment epithelium, and more than one pupil. or a number of other similar eye condition disorders. but the condition of the duplex pupula, seen in the ripleys (having two slices and two pupils in one eye) has not been found in similar cases in all medical literature so far, so the statue of a man with double eyes - four slices and four pupils may only be a concept of art, and may be inaccurate. Or a misrepresentation of polycoria.
If so, what about the vision? this is interesting to learn ...