Most of the pharmaceutical companies are really in many ways following the healing cures of the past and of herbs and those things they have studied and then twisted and tweeked them packaged and resold for profit.
Then start lobbing that home remedies should be outlawed.
Lets take Penicillin... In order to get some it has to be a dr. that is prescribing it to you. From working in industry this is how it goes the plant that makes it fills orders that is it. So after the order is filled they just change the package and keep on packing the same pills. Fish and livestock penicillin is sold in a feed store. Same pill... Industry does the same thing with bread pumping out 2 loafs for a dollar and then just changes the bag with a fancy name on it at 1.49 a loaf.
I do agree that there are a lot of people working real hard to do the best they can in the drug industry but we would have never got to this place in time if our forefathers had not have had a good handle on medicine even more so in china.. I think health is more how you live vs the drugs you take...
Great Post thanks made me think a bit lol.
Oh and my mother in laws nickname is Pumpernickel.... 8 }
Penicillin is derived from a fungus, not a plant :P
I chose a bad example but it was in reference to how the pharmaceuticals are produced on a industrial scale ... 8 }