I still need to transfer him 43.698 STEEM, which I got from this post in form of SteemPower, however I need to wait a week, because I didn't have enough liquid STEEM... so I needed start today a PowerDown.
I got some SBD from another post, so I was able to sell those SBD for STEEM and send those STEEM to Joe, as I promised :)
Great work man! Very professionally done and very informative. Oh in all seriousness, this is probably one of the best explanation I have seen ever, hands down! :)
I've tried to post as much as possible and I already follow them as well. but everything I do there has been no feedback. I hope we can work together in this steemit
I would suggest to find your favorite community focus on specific topic/tag. Then, try to contribute to this community, by giving feedback to other people.
People will start taking a look, who are you, and if you will have some interesting stuff in your profile, people will help you too.
Do not ask, what community can do for you. Ask, what you can do for a community :)
Really entertaining video, something I feel like I could show to a lot of people to explain and legitimize the concepts we're all so familiar with. It also got me intrigued about Substratum... gonna have to keep my eye on that!
Great article! Very well written and easy to read for Steem newbies.
It's a good article to share with friends on other social media to tell them about Steem. Much better than giving them the (obsolete) whitepaper.
Steem on!.......
He's not a nerd. He might be a genius! :-) Super entertaining and down to earth. He's now followed and you're upvoted. I can't wait to see him on Steemit....Great work in recruiting him! Intentional or not....
Nie za dobrze znam angielski
Wiem jak to zabrzmi, ale skoro już jesteś na Steemit, to wykorzystają tą okazję :) Gdy ja przychodziłem na Steemit, było to dla mnie wyzwanie napisać z głowy komentarz po angielsku, którego byłem pewien, że jest poprawny.
Jednak chęć komunikowania się z ciekawymi ludźmi przezwyciężyła. Nawet codziennie napisanie kilku komentarzy w języku angielskim powoduje, że obcujesz z tym językiem. Dość prawdopodobne, że po roku się zorientujesz, że na Steemit nauczyłeś się angielskiego - nie żartuje.
Co się stanie w najgorszym przypadku? Nic :) Przecież dobrze wiesz, że na Steemit ludzie nie wyzywają innych za popełnianie błędów. Prawda jest taka, że Steemit to jedyne miejsce, gdzie możesz się uczyć angielskiego... i przy okazji trochę na tym zarabiać:)
This is Promoting steem :D finding people with huge community, talk a bit and let's them promote steem :D :D :D Thank you for that !
Steem is going to the moon !!!! :D (already top 2000 on alexa rank!)You rock @noisy ! :D
WOW Krzysztof, you are truly rocking here, big congrats! I am not too much of a geek, but I have followed Joe and I'm looking forward to his posts on Steemit! Keep on rocking, in polish tag too please ;-)
steemit business plan. steemit a website works on votes that someone rates your post than u got paid in steem dollars but the main problem is arises that no one vote or rate our post. so i m gonna make a chain for steem it all you just do that share 3 post daily and click on upvotes for other. i m gonna start a website that having the link for persons join steemit and just click on upvotes by link and everyone done in same manner that votes for everyone you can post pics,video youtube videos(any) no copyright problem.
Proof of fulfilling the promise (1st part):
I showed a Joe today how to make transfers between accounts:
And also how to use an exchange like bittrex. I helped him sell SBD for Steem. There was no enough liquidity on the inner market, so we used bittrex:
https://steemd.com/tx/3c0062e0dfeb2e1047970d4b19bcf0157b2372af https://steemd.com/tx/e84016dd304139e7eca3eaa9338980844d50333c
To be continued2nd partI still need to transfer him 43.698 STEEM, which I got from this post in form of SteemPower, however I need to wait a week, because I didn't have enough liquid STEEM... so I needed start today a PowerDown.I got some SBD from another post, so I was able to sell those SBD for STEEM and send those STEEM to Joe, as I promised :)
Oh nice! Cool to see Steem getting some screen time.
Great work man! Very professionally done and very informative. Oh in all seriousness, this is probably one of the best explanation I have seen ever, hands down! :)
How do I play this steemit correct ??
I do not understand and I am still a beginner.
so please explain to me??
hands down please
post, vote and reply as much as possible. Whereas not yet for me:)
I've tried to post as much as possible and I already follow them as well. but everything I do there has been no feedback. I hope we can work together in this steemit
I would suggest to find your favorite community focus on specific topic/tag. Then, try to contribute to this community, by giving feedback to other people.
People will start taking a look, who are you, and if you will have some interesting stuff in your profile, people will help you too.
Do not ask, what community can do for you. Ask, what you can do for a community :)
I am not sure what you are asking exactly?
Nice post bro
Really entertaining video, something I feel like I could show to a lot of people to explain and legitimize the concepts we're all so familiar with. It also got me intrigued about Substratum... gonna have to keep my eye on that!
Thanks for sharing his YouTube Acc, i'll definitely go check it out.
I love Technological stuff.
Greetings to author, gave an upvote with pleasure
great post thanks for sharing
good thanks
That's a great video mate! keep up the good work!
steemit getting in front. good luck always komunity steemit
This wonderful work came from the Telegram
good news.
i like this post.
thanks for @noisy
Good one sir
Yup, let's take to 1M subscribers . He makes some really good videos, he should talk about Steemit someday.
Great article! Very well written and easy to read for Steem newbies.
It's a good article to share with friends on other social media to tell them about Steem. Much better than giving them the (obsolete) whitepaper.
Steem on!.......
Harika birşey böyle giderseniz daha iyi ve güzel caışmalar yaradacaksınız
Nice post . Upvoted your post
Thats a great technology post best of luck
steemit is a great way to publish anything
Thank for this, trying to get my music friends to use steemit and dsound.
Thats a great technology post ..I gain knowledge from your content ..best of luck..
not mine content, this video was made by @AnswersWithJoe - make sure you follow him! :)
It's ok my friend..I will wait your new. Video
He's not a nerd. He might be a genius! :-) Super entertaining and down to earth. He's now followed and you're upvoted. I can't wait to see him on Steemit....Great work in recruiting him! Intentional or not....
he already is on Steem: @AnswersWithJoe - expect some posts really soon :)
I subscribed your youtube channel ....
Great news! We need creators like Joe! Resteemed! :)
very good blog i like i vote you and folow
Nice Post
Welcome JOE !
nice post bro
Thanks for sharing his YouTube Acc, i'll definitely go check it out.
I love Technological stuff.
Greetings to author, gave an upvote with pleasure
Wow, awesome channel man! Keep up the great work and very well put together.
Nie za dobrze znam angielski ale upvote masz ode mnie w ciemno bo swoich trzeba wspierać :)
Jednak chęć komunikowania się z ciekawymi ludźmi przezwyciężyła. Nawet codziennie napisanie kilku komentarzy w języku angielskim powoduje, że obcujesz z tym językiem. Dość prawdopodobne, że po roku się zorientujesz, że na Steemit nauczyłeś się angielskiego - nie żartuje.
Co się stanie w najgorszym przypadku? Nic :) Przecież dobrze wiesz, że na Steemit ludzie nie wyzywają innych za popełnianie błędów. Prawda jest taka, że Steemit to jedyne miejsce, gdzie możesz się uczyć angielskiego... i przy okazji trochę na tym zarabiać:)
yep, this is exactly what we need, my project AMPLIFY is doing exactly this, just about to onboard (i hope) 10 youtubers that i respect and SHOULD be on this platform, popping up in my feed each day! :) -- https://steemit.com/amplify/@teamhumble/st33mamplify-1-the-youtubers-who-s-collective-audience-is-1-6-million-people
this is great man
i love your work
great work!
Btw if you like playing indie video games, feel free to check out my blog and also upvote for support if you like the content. Cheers!
This is really motivational story for smokers ! You have done a great job !!

Great effort my friend !
Greate work noisy and very usefull and greate articleee
Greate work dude... iam also a subscriber in your youtube chanel ...i fallowed all of your videos very usefull for me and every off.. keep it up...
Really intelligent man !
Best post i like it, i hope can be like you. Please support me for learn
yeah, everyday you can learn new things just like today.
Informative and relevant!
Your post is awesome! Keep it up. I follow and upvote you.
Steemit getting interesting for me. I'm happy to be part of this revolution. Steem and steem dollars to the moon
This is exactly the sort of influencer that steemit and Steem needs to support.
I realy love your post. Resteemited it.
Looks like another great resource. Thanks for sharing!
I love his channel!
This is Promoting steem :D finding people with huge community, talk a bit and let's them promote steem :D :D :D Thank you for that !
Steem is going to the moon !!!! :D (already top 2000 on alexa rank!)You rock @noisy ! :D
WOW Krzysztof, you are truly rocking here, big congrats! I am not too much of a geek, but I have followed Joe and I'm looking forward to his posts on Steemit! Keep on rocking, in polish tag too please ;-)
steemit business plan. steemit a website works on votes that someone rates your post than u got paid in steem dollars but the main problem is arises that no one vote or rate our post. so i m gonna make a chain for steem it all you just do that share 3 post daily and click on upvotes for other. i m gonna start a website that having the link for persons join steemit and just click on upvotes by link and everyone done in same manner that votes for everyone you can post pics,video youtube videos(any) no copyright problem.