es, all textures are daring because high ambitions are not impossible. It's certainly not so simple you will find the main problem is that we are not used to such a scale near the park 56 years ago. Forgive even or horizontally. There are projects for building even taller buildings. Although many are afraid that we We will lose our identity if we seek everywhere Eastern lines compete in the elegance of a prosperous economy The state of Qatar rests on solid ground The government has decided to diversify resources will turn into the capital city the financial center for example on the street Hamad Al Kabar is a lot of here. Everything turns into gold, even pearls, but residents remember that everything started pearls that were extracted from the sea depths at the cost of incredible efforts. The architecture of the Museum of Islamic Art is a good example of this elegant cubic construction invented by the creator of the pyramid Louvre American architect and emmental Kemer is the curator of the museum he was looking for the origins of Islamic architecture he visited in North Africa in Iraq in Egypt traveled all the near B sink and as a result he managed to transfer Islamic architecture and traditions to a modern fan in a museum from three continents they cover 13 centuries. Brilliant stories on ceramic and glass metal products carpets almost all art objects from the city in Spain to Samarkand average covered a huge territory and a long period of time 7 century when Islam arose to this day not far from the museum in the shadow of skyscrapers is a thing where the old technology is built Yes, yes it is a boat that is widely used in the Indian Ocean not especially along the coast of the Persian Gulf but in no way the mystic tree that does not decay the body is assembled with the help of wooden pegs. The akarm has a square shape. One of the properties of the wild is that when it gets harder, the nose gave its mark on the sky, another tradition of base or top- Arabic it means the old city market The old bazaar in the spirit was restored. It preserves all kinds of its activities and is divided into several sections of traditional musical instruments making traditional bread here and all lies the imprint of the past Many generations of jewelers who created beautiful jewelry from precious stones and metals once the artisan was only available one material that was highly valued all over the world natural pearls today pearls imported is grandson payments he is a seller of pearls and an artist who creates paintings of wood different shades of his work are reminiscent of the intricate products of his ancestors, he is extraordinarily attentive to detail. This creation of a special effect uses real pearls, this is a very thin p Wood harvesting requires two skill mastery of sculpture eg creating an image of a family and the ability to combine different shades of wood in these portraits an incredible amount of pieces of wood are used. Three-dimensional images are much more expressive. Photos of the fruit and vegetable market are amazed by the variety of products and colors especially when you consider the limited possibilities of agriculture in each why most of the products come on the shelves with all the live goods being sold on another fire in the Harsh climate desert lack of pastures serious obstacles to breeding animals traditional bazaars side by side with more modern markets modern forms exotic forms the more inside is always cool and the wind will never break the clouds shopping malls are huge bubbles of cold air that function independently from the geographic location whatever the temperature of the air outside on the rink always but nothing can cool to save the inhabitants of which the purchase and another pleasure of the perfume is the word doo and originally meant the aromatic substances that were burned by the spirits that existed in the Middle East from the ancient traditions in which it is important nevertheless in the country not to fence themselves off from the present and she resolutely turned to the outside world towards the future with this purpose in 1996 the emir was created a satellite channel he became one of the leading news channels in the world and reflect the Arab point of view in the building of the channel there is a memorial dedicated to a journalist killed in the workplace and she Freedom serves as a reminder of their devotee was not looking for a professor These in the museum are the personal belongings of the journalists of this channel who died during news coverage in order to prepare for the futur