I studied psychology at university for 3 years, and the nature/nurture debate is one of the topics that really caught my attention. I think as with anything and everything human related, from sexuality to weight we all fall somewhere on a bell curve, or even a continuum.
For a simple example, sexuality is not either or. You can be 90% heterosexual and 10% homosexual, or 60/40 or any percentage either way at all. I think the influences of nature/nurture work in this way too. Both influence us, but it all depends on percentages, which can seem random.
I have witnessed this in my husband's family in particular. My husband comes from a pretty messed up family, including extended family. We have broken ties with almost all of them over the years. My husband was a result of a fling when his mother was 16 years, and he never met his father, though he knew who he was. Somehow my husband survived his upbringing, and I often wonder if his biological father's genetic legacy had anything to do with why he turned out so differently from the rest of his family?
I have heard about genetic memory through some yoga classes I took. If I remember right it was how yoga could help repair genetic memory? It is a fascinating topic, and I love reading about stuff like this on Steemit, thank you.
From what I learned from my Buddhist study and teachers yoga is part of an enlightenment process and it's not meant to stand alone. It can heal the body and I am guess help repair physical damages down to cellular processes. Whether it can help us let go of our past genetic inheritance and our lifetime of conditioning I don't know. I think we have to have more than one leg to stand on just like a stool we sit on has 3 or for legs. That's why I included diet, exercise, cognitive therapy, and meditation. To change our genetic heritage and pass on health we need to be involved with changing the body and mind. I think the spiritual part is very important but science doesn't like to go there and I have a hard time talking about my spiritual experience that lead me to a healthy body and mind before I know about the science of healing.
I read several of your articles @onetree and so many of us come from broken societies and families. I think this science is very important if we are to move on from our old structures to new ones. Kind of like Blockchain and cryptos can radically change our society in a good way but only if we can change our behaviors and conditioning or the blockchain and cryptos will end up being used to continue our old paradigm.
We may have different taste regarding gender choices but on the genetic level we are either male or female even if we choose to dress differently, take hormone therapy, and change our sexual body parts. Caitlyn Jenner is still biologically a male, he still carries the XY chromosome even though he says he is a female and changed his sexual body parts to look female. I know many people who identify as another race, many of my Tibetan Buddhist friends act just like Tibetans, even wherein the same clothes and carrying the same traditions. However they are still Europeans on a genetic level.
There is something called the hardiness factor, people who go through great stress but are not as damaged as many who go through the same thing. I wonder what epigenetic say about that? Something to look into and write about! Why is one person more resilient than another?
Yes, the hardiness factor is fascinating! This is an extraordinarily complex topic.