Time to break out my lab coat to share a little bit about this incredible characteristic of the scorpion!
Today's question is "Why do scorpions glow under UV light?" For those of you who did not know already, all scorpions have the built in capability to light up with florescent colors under Ultra Violet light.
Thankfully, @papa-pepper has a lab coat and intends to answer this question, while sharing some other interesting facts about these incredible creatures.
about something is far less entertaining than actually demonstrating it.Always one to be prepared, @papa-pepper has a scorpion ready for action, because simply sharing
Here we can see that the scorpion certainly does glow under the UV light, but to learn why, you'll have to watch the video. Enjoy the show.
WHY? - The Video
I think that next time I break out the lab coat, it will have to be for an experiment. Hopefully you learned something today, other than the fact that scorpions are "cockroach fast."
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Awesome! I never knew that about scorpions. Great work @papa-pepper.
you are all right @bigpanda, but I recommend you so do I in not having scorpions like pets hehe. It is an interesting and original post and work of you @papa-pepper! Greetings both of you!
Thank you, I appreciate the encouragement.
Thanks @paolasofy25! I don't think I will be keeping any scorpions as pets.
thank you, I'm glad that I could share some interesting information. Now you know!
I find this animal very dangerous and at the same time amuse me!
Same here.
Thank god for that lab coat or this would have sucked!!!
Kidding of course ;-)>
How did you grab it so fast...just squeeze it by the stinger?? Also how did you know it was a girl?
Yes, catch it by the tail. Here is a video of how I do it.
Also, it had babies, so that was the giveaway that it was a female.
Wow. I'm surprised the babies stayed on its back when you grabbed it!
Awesome video man. I'm in the southwest, and we have those nasty things all over.
And you are right about "cockroach fast"....I squash them before even thinking about whether it would be fun to tempt fate and grab it by the tail.
Nice post and well explained I did't know it before reading your post thank you.
There is as well some glowing mushrooms they look very cool okay have a nice day :)
I agree, pretty cool post!
I think they glow for mainly be alert when there is a full moon so that they stay hidden! Well I guess so!
That's super interesting to know @papa-pepper! Amazing that you found out this one is female! Great job doc! @progressivechef
Thanks again my friend!
nice experiment
i think you are truing to be spider man. lol
Good post..
Thanks @teukuarmia!
Siiiick! Cool fact buddy :D
Glad you liked it. How have you been?
I am great thanks for asking ;)
How are you?
Very good explanation @papa-pepper!
Thank you @amedeo!
don't let that scorpion bite you :)
It is the stinger that I am more concerned about, but I'll be safe.
Very Interesting Facts Papa , thanks for Sharing . You look very Handsome in this Lab Coat, it suits You. Have a Great Day Doctor Strange ☺
Thank you for the compliment, I've got some experiments I've been meaning to get to so I thought the lab coat would be best.
Thanks for teaching this old dog something new today! Keep them coming.
I'll keep them coming as I can. Glad that you liked it and learned!
They are techno creatures :)
Lol, I thought that I might have seen some dancing at a rave.
Cool information post! Thank you)
Thanks @johncobra! I am glad that you liked it!
Interesting! Should also help checking shoes and sleeping bag 8-).
Yes those UV flashlights will, great point!
Very cool, I knew about the fluorescence as I too am a science geek. I wanted to hear what the theories were about why. I'm gonna have to look it up.
Turns out, according to a researcher in Oklahoma, that the whole scorpion is an eye. The body can detect light, possibly to help them hide better during the day. interesting.
That is one theory, I heard about that too.
is that the same reason the ringworm circles glow under blacklight?
Not sure, I did not know that!
yeah if you have livestock and you notice a ring on them and think its ringworm you can blacklight it and it will glow if it is , comes in pretty handy when you are vetting them yourself keeps the chemical input down, instead of assuming and loading them up.
cool learned something today..following
Glad that you could learn something. I enjoyed sharing!
Upvoted. Thanks for the facts
Thanks for checking it out mate!
i never know that scorpions will have that glowing
Cool, glad that you could learn something!
This is incredible post ,thank you for sharing this it is very is usefull
I am glad that you think so @jack123. Thanks for letting me know that you appreciate it!
Now, this was really interesting! Never knew that about scorpions! They may look pretty under UV Light, they still scare the daylights out of me ever since knocking against a closet just to have one of those black ones fall on me...Terrified!! I know they are not poisonous but still. The second reason I will never live under a grass roof...Thanks for sharing though, loved the post :)
Some can be dangerous and even deadly, but I still think that they are interesting and like to check them out.
This reminded me of the "I stayed at a Holiday Inn" commercials with your "has a lab coat" comment. Had no idea scorpions were less active during a full moon because of the UV light. That is downright interesting. Thanks for the share @papa-pepper!
Unfamiliar with the commercial, but glad that you enjoyed it!
This is the exact commercial it reminded of:
It makes me look smarter! Thanks.
That's awesome papa-pepper! Love science just don't get the time I use to in order to investigate "the cool stuff" . Thank you for your efforts!
Thank you! I like looking into things like this, especially when animals are involved.
Great video and content on the scorpion, myself if they hit the floor the foot is applied ;-) yup the stings are not good. Yup sharing this.
Though I will hunt and kill animals for meat, I have a hard time killing some others. I think that they are just too cool to squish.
Middle of the night on my bed it went to the floor and got it! Outside where my grand daughter can capture and note her initials on so she could tell if she had looked them all over is fine... Yup that is how this great grandma rolls...
Amazing facts!I didn't know that.
Thanks @rigor! I am glad that you now know!
your'e welcome
Very good post! But I am afraid of scorpions :)
Thanks you for sharing!
They can be dangerous, so I understand your fear.
Good article and good video! It's a good way to start the day off learning something that interesting.
Glad to help you get started this morning! Thanks for the support and encouragement!
And all this time, I thought it was just because they enjoyed drinking Gin and Tonic.
An interesting theory, but apparently not the correct one!
Cool . I have a suggestion for you to solve next :) How does biolumin animals glow? :)
That would be cool!
It has to do with kations and anions and how they draw one extra positive atom so the charge become positive and lights up...right?
Please Upvote my posting..
I would be careful with comments like that. Many will not appreciate them.
This is great and so interesting, Thanks for sharing !
Thank you for checking it out. I'm glad that you found it to be interesting.
Thanks i did not know this :)
Werry intresting post
I am glad that you liked it and that you could learn something. Thanks @richart!
wow I think they glow so that we can see their amazing beauties using UV...hahah I really dont know ..but always a good read from you, upped.
That's really interesting. I didn't know that about them. We have them around here and have to be careful when we go camping. I wonder if you could take a black light around the campsite and find if any are lurking around.
Glad to see you revisiting this topic. I remember it from your "don't get discouraged at low payouts for high quality content" post.
Pleased to see it worked out better this time!
Yeah, that was more of a photo post showing that this does happen, so I figured I could break out the lab coat for an educational video. It certainly did get a better payout.
Glow in the dark scorpions - one more creature we don't have down here.
We have glow in the dark worms though (glowworms).
It is interesting how creatures evolve these strange characteristics. I think if it keeps on raining here, all the animals will have to evolve flotation devices or gills ;-)
Wow! The things I learn from you and your followers! Great job. I ready to learn more...
Thanks! Glad to know that you enjoy it!
I was always curious about this and when I checked for why at the time, there was no "scientific explanation" and the material of the scorpions shell had been an unsolved mystery as to what the material or element it was. I haven't seen the video yet so I'll do that before continuing
Well I watched the video and I think the question remained unanswered Lol. But I did enjoy the video. I am too lazy now to check if the mystery has been solved, I only researched this about 6 years ago. It was said that the material of their shell had yet to be identified (if i recall correctly, identified in the periodic table of elements?). I kind of liked the idea that it was a mystery and hoped it wouldn't be explained by science because I have found through life that science is limited to the material and physical world and is far away from other realities I have experienced that could not be explained scientifically. Just like "what came first, the chicken or the egg? the sphere or the gravity?" It helps us realize that we don't really know anything (or at least not as much as we like to assume) and I really like things that tell us this because we are now stuck in a situation where everyone is so afraid of not knowing, afraid of accepting ignorance, and ready to use science and mathematics to make assumptions and theories. Accepting this fact of "not knowing" however is humbling and I wish more people would embrace this not knowingness rather than make assumptions. The worse is when people try to use science to "debunk" magic or esoteric phenomena or many other things that are not concerned with the physical / material world. I have always had a natural liking to scorpions so this mystery gives more space for wonder and enamours me more to them.
Yeah, what I shared in the video sounded like it may not have gone any deeper than what you had already found out. I too am impressed by man's lack of capabilities in explaining or understanding certain things out there!
Very cool!!
wow, i m going to follow you papa-paper.
nice post. up voted and and resteemed.
oh shit it survived the fall lol that's crazy interesting though I had no idea they glew up or even why! Learn something new every day just another reason to love steemit!
All I know is that after I was stung on the bottom of my foot twice by an Arizona bark scorpion while sleeping in bed when we lived in El Paso, I quickly learned that they glow in UV light, and obtained a UV flashlight.
If they've just molted, they don't glow. However, they seem to absorb the light when freshly molted, so it becomes a void of light instead of a reflection of light. So it makes it easier to find them regardless.
Nova became a master scorpion-slayer. Unfortunately for the first little house gecko we ended up with, they like to pretend to be scorpions to defend themselves, so Nova tried to kill it. As soon as he realized it wasn't a scorpion, he brought it to me as a sort of present. Shortly thereafter, he became King of the Geckos as the cutest and most useful infestation quickly took over our house.
When I was stung by the scorpion, I didn't know what had happened to me. I was just in agony in my left foot and it quickly travelled up my leg and it became hard to even breathe, it was so painful. Went to the emergency room, they looked at my foot, told me it was definitely two scorpion stings, gave me morphine and a prescription for an antibiotic because apparently those stings often get infected with a specific type of bacteria.
Despite being immunocompromised, the antibiotics they gave me made me so sick I decided to just risk the infection. Luckily I avoided infection. But my left leg has never felt quite the same, and that is an experience that I hope I never repeat.
I've been bitten by black widows (also in El Paso, despite having to deal with loads in Kansas City, it wasn't until El Paso that they finally got me) and that was horrible, but I would much prefer black widow bites over another sting from an Arizona bark scorpion.
I've also been bitten by a non-venomous snake, which was awful. Still better than a scorpion sting.
I've experienced a lot of really random and painful things, including having animals bite me all the way to the bone on my wrist on more than one occasion. Getting my wisdom teeth cut out, having my sinuses operated on...
All things I'd much rather experience again instead of another Arizona bark scorpion sting.
You can't convince me that Arizona bark scorpions aren't manifestations of pure evil. They're the most aggressive out of the scorpions native to North America. You don't have to be bothering them or anything. They will come for you!
Very interesting, Hi all my friends, actually I really want to help all friends who use steemit but my steem power is less because I upvote excessive friends, may I ask to help my friends who already high level for my upvote, so I can also help Other friends. Thankyou.
i never saw a scorpion at night
I've never noticed that they glow in the dark. Maybe because, in this part of the world, the first action to be taken against scorpion is to kill it. No one ever takes time to view some of their properties. They don't even know that Scorpion's venom is the world's costliest liquid. ( $38,858,507.46 per gallon)
Thank you very much@papa-pepper for the very helpful information