I just have to ask, what are we watching from the international space station then? I don't understand this theory.
That is the earth, correct? I know you have your theory and I will have to look into it more but, that is the earth!
I just have to ask, what are we watching from the international space station then? I don't understand this theory.
That is the earth, correct? I know you have your theory and I will have to look into it more but, that is the earth!
Great comment! Thanks for exposing yourself so humbly as a newbee to this info. That is all it is, information.
This is the earth manipulated with wide angle fish eye lens or CGI photoshopped to appear curved.
Oh yes, not just a great conspiracy.
This is an alternate reality currently having its revival against the conditioning/programming of 99% of earthlings when we are 5 years old and unable to critically challenge the things we are told.
The earth has a 25,000mile circumference, so Pythagorus' equation means the horizon should drop away from us at 8"per (mile squared).
For hundreds of years (and thousands of people in the past few years) people and official scientists have shown proofs that things that should be obscured over the horizon at distance, are visible as if upon a flat plane.
Bill Nye the science guy says ships "going over the horizon"is proof the earth is a sphere. Bring out a zoom lense and later a telescope, and these ships will pop back into view across the flat plane.
The geocentric theory makes more sense than heliocentric after a few months becoming deeply aquainted with both.
Then we look at all the proofs the earth is a globe... coriolis effect, focaults pendulum, curvy water, gravity...debunked... we all THINK its a globe cuz we've seen the photoshopped CGI images and paintings from NASA since 1969 "proving"its a ball.
The moon landiing was a hoax, satellites are a hoax, the ISS is a hoax (faked with zero g planes, CGI and harnesses, and EVA space walks are all filmed in an underwater pool.
All the important scientists promoted and astronauts and space associations are freemasons, right back to Pythagorus. It's a secret society and this is one of their biggest secrets from the masses
It takes MONTHS (I am two years into my current reappraisal of science) if not years of research, to teach it to yourself by slow rebuttal of all official science using the natural scientific method for what is observable, repeatable, testable.
Very few can see its possible or understand the motive at first so they drift away from the idea, or downright spit it out straight away as if it's a shit sandwich.
I dont know how old you are or how inured you are in the system for your sustenance but these things will affect your ability to even consider whether there may be anything to this.
Anyway, thanks for demonstrating that you can be civil even when you think you are dealing with a blind madperson ; ). Ask me anything and i will try and point you to where i learned what.
I am still a rookie at this and will spend the rest of my days in the search for where we are and why for
I have a very open mind and respect all people opinions and theories especially the ones I have no clue about! I will look more into it and I would be lying if I said I am not more confused by your response, lol! And, thank you for taking the time to write a lengthy response! Take care!
one of the best places to start is to compare the evidence this is a spinning ball, and check the sources, and think about if they are observable, testable, repeatable natural science experiments that you can check yourself of if you have to take them from authority. Then google 200 proofs earh is not a spinning ball and try and prove each of these wrond, how many are natural observable, testable repeatable etc... just so cool that you truly have an open mind... I was very closed minded to this two years ago, now I can no longer see the earth as a sphere : ))) I know that sounds wild, but I wouldn't say it if I hadn't observed the evidence
here is a fun little teaser