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RE: Flat Earth - The End Debate

in #science8 years ago (edited)

That took you awhile, solid effort. Quote away and say, "I disagree because amateurs can prove xyz." "Any amateur can prove the motion of the earth." LOL, tell Einstein. "Diverging rays?....must be trolling..." "Hexagon is NOT a pagan symbol..." ... "I've proven curvature" "Ships do disappear and any amateur knows this" Sigh. Oh, and make sure you know fake facts, earths tilt is 23.4 according to trusted science.

This is always how this ends. You should look up some videos refuting your claims, but you won't. I've seen your proof, and I know science, it is layered nonsense steeped in occultism and Alchemy. You stated there were no issues with your founding fathers of science being alchemists, because they couldn't get it done? You have some studying to do on the philosophers stone. Continue your faith and let me know when you realize why there's a hexagon on Saturn (a flattened cube). While you're at it, let me know why NASA photoshops cloud formations with ctrl -z, wrote 'sex' in the clouds, why they put Disney's Pluto face on Pluto, why the earth and moon were given sizes that 'square the circle,' who founded the JPL and their involvement with the Babalon workings, or why 93 million miles is such an important number in thelema.

You think I'm moving goal posts, but fail to realize it's the same answer....