AI love?? Possible??

in #science8 years ago (edited)

Source: ZDNet

Dear Steemers,

Have you guys watch the movie called Transcendence? It is one of my favourite science fiction movie. The movie was directed by Wally Pfister and written by Jack Paglen. The main actor in this movie is Johnny Depp. I am sure most of you know who Jonny Depp is. The famous actor for Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean.

Source: ZDNet

Transcendence is about a scientist (Dr. Will Caster) who predicts that a computer can create a technological singularity or also known as "Transcendence". Dr. Will was shot by an anti-technology terrorsit group with polonium-laced bullet and had only a month to live.

Evelyn (Dr. Will's wife) who is also a scientist and his best friend Max Walters managed to upload Will's consciousness into the quantum computer that the project he was working on. Will's consciousness survives his body's death in this technological form and his wife the connects the computer intelligence to the Internet via satellite.

If you haven't watch this movie before, I would recommend you guys to do so. It is one of those interesting science fiction movies I have ever seen. It shares about AI or artificial intelligence technology.

What is AI?

AI in a nutshell refers to the creation of intelligent machines that work and react just like human. Today's AI is also known narrow AI or weak AI, is capable of performing narrow task such as facial recognition, internet searches or driving cars. AI can be anything from SIRI on our iPhone to self-driving cars or Google's search algorithm to IBM's Watson to autonomous weapons.


Source: Google

AI is still at its intinial stage but it has so much potential for growth. Now many researches are on the way to creating general AI (AGI or strong AI) to outperform humans at cognitive task such as learning and self-improvement.

One of the example of this is Google's AlphaGo. AlphaGo, a self learning computer that managed to beat the world's number one player of the ancient Chinese board game called Go. This is a proven breakthrough in the AI technology and I believe AI is capable to perform far more than what we could imagine.


If such a technology is enhanced further, soon we will have human-like robots walking among us. Then will it be possible for human and Ai to fall in love? It is a creepy thought though.

But let me know what you think in my comments down below.

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I think people's feelings can easily be manipulated by AI. But AI by nature has no feelings thus it will be impossible for a machine to fall in love with a human being. This is my option.

@lazylily 😌love your feedback. It's sounds logical.

A book called "Society of Mind" by Marvin Minsky offers up many question and ideas about AI and the human mind. I believe he founded the AI dept. at MIT, and spent his whole life wondering about these questions. A lot of the AI we have today, was created by his students.