It took me three hours to read and process the content. It is to dense to be posted in one article.
Up voted and follow. I want to see more related post where you could explain details of this technology. For me, is the first time hear about it, and I am physicist that work in alternatives energy resources. I really interested to read a lot about it, and it seems you know all the basic theory to teach us.
I will be waiting for your next post.
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@quigua :
Yes, there is a lot of info in this article and a lot of links for follow up study. For a good understanding of all of this, it is advisable to also consider an aetheric "theory of everything" , a solid theoretic basis Einstein has been unable to formulate.
Further, I posted these theories in this shape here, because it will be entered in the blockchain and will thus be preserved for the future, pretty much no matter what. There is a lot of work to do still, and the dense information concentrated here pretty much guarantees there is no way to sensor this information, we have all the time in the world to expand on this together and create a better future for all mankind.