Why are stones given under the railway?

in #science5 years ago


While waiting for the train on the platform or crossing the railway line, we all noticed that there are many pieces of stone lying between the two lines. Not only in the line, the railway line has leaves on the bed of this piece of stone. Thrown on the railroad?

We will know why it is dropped, but what engineering challenges do we have to face before the railway engineers can safely take a high speed train over the line.

First of all, the mile-long, wide metal rail line that lies under the open sky all its life. Storms, water, hot and cold, it should not be allowed to increase in volume in extreme heat and decrease in volume in extreme cold.

Second: As the giant monster-shaped trains pass over the line, the ground begins to vibrate so that the line can move out of its place, and this shifting is a terrible danger to the train, even if it is a single haircut.

Thirdly, due to snowfall, fog, rain, storms, etc., weeds are likely to grow on the soil on which the railway lines are laid. And we know that once weeds grow, most of the railway lines will be occupied by them, so that rail movement will be virtually impossible. So weeds cannot be allowed to grow.

With these factors in mind, engineers have not been able to come up with a more efficient way to run trains uninterruptedly than the technical skills that people used almost two hundred years ago.

Let's know what those effective skills are.

  1. Granite stone is cut on the ground and the line is laid on the ground where the railway line will be laid. To keep the line as high as possible from the ground so that it does not sink during floods.


Second: This time the wooden beams will be placed perpendicular to the level of the stone piece according to the specified distance on which the railway line will be fixed. Once the railway line is laid, a lot of granite pieces are thrown around it, now around the middle of the railway line. These are called 'Track Ballast'. Becomes sharp uneven. The reason for keeping these uneven sharp edges is that after spreading them on the ground, they rub against each other so that they do not climb on each other's necks. This problem occurs on the rounded edges. These stones with uneven sharp edges stick to each other in such an ‘interlocking’ manner that they never move from their place.
The size of the stone beams depends on the size of the beams and the distance from each other. These beams are called by different names in each country, such as in India and Britain - slippers; ‘Cross tie or railroad tie’ in America; ‘Travas’ in European Portuguese; ‘Dorment’ in Brazilian Portuguese; ‘Shapla’ in Russian, ‘Travers’ in French. This ballast or piece of rock is never less than 6 inches thick. On high speed rail lines it is up to 20 inches thick. The wooden beams are first placed on this thickened piece of stone. Rail line is placed on it. But nowadays concrete slippers are being used instead of wooden slippers.

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