Theory of Evolution is not true!

in #science7 years ago

Evolutionists like to "puzzle" about things that the uneducated man can not easily check or understand. In essence questions with which evolutionists will not deal with, are:

  1. How is the information generated in living organisms? (Is it a coincidance, as they claim?)
  2. How are complex systems developed in nature, laws exactly defined, etc.?
  3. How is it possible to change the complexity of information in living organisms and thus create other organisms? (Could this be a random process, such as mutations?)

So, the "theory" of evolution is an unproven theory, but since all forms of spreading fake informations are permitted in the modern world, it is not surprising that we have these types of lies. I know that there are sincere and evolutionists with good intentions who are indoctrinated, but who are searching for information. The biggest problem is that almost all of them are in the "system" and are afraid that they will lose their jobs, so they opt for falsehood, or they do not oppose it.