Alcohol consumption has its perks. Over the years, researches have shown that moderate or recommended 😉 consumption of alcohol has various medical benefits and significance in the human body. However, it is also been confirmed that certain levels of drinking can result in the lowering of a person’s inhibitions and also lead to them becoming aggressive and violent.

Recent study into the reasons and connection between alcohol and aggressive behaviour has led researchers from the University of New South Wales in Australia, to use MRI scans in analysing the part of the brain that controls aggression.
The Brain and aggressive behaviour
The part of the brain which is believed to be responsible for regulating aggressive behaviour is the prefrontal cortex;
and according to the lead author of the recent study, Thomas Denson, it was discovered during research that participants who consumed alcohol displayed a temporary decrease in activity in the prefrontal cortex.Denson further explained that;
"Although there was an overall dampening effect of alcohol on the prefrontal cortex, even at a low dose of alcohol we observed a significant positive relationship between dorsomedial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activity and alcohol-related aggression. These regions of the brain’s prefrontal cortex may support different behaviours, such as peace versus aggression, depending on whether a person is sober or intoxicated."
The 'Prefrontal-Related' Aggression Research
For the research, about fifty healthy male subjects were signed up. The 50 participants were given either of two drinks - a dose of non-alcoholic placebo drink or a low dose of vodka.
The researchers then adopted the Taylor Aggression Paradigm as the next phase of the study. The Taylor Aggression Paradigm has been effectively used for over 50 years to analyse the body’s behaviour in regards to aggression.
With the aid of the Taylor Aggression Paradigm, the scientists used MRI scanner to identify the areas of the brain that lights up and gives signals when it behaves aggressively. This led to the discovery that a level of alcohol consumption can influence the prefrontal cortex towards aggression.
Further effects of alcohol on the brain
Further analysis on the parts of the brain likely influenced by the alcohol, showed that the alcohol was able to decrease the reward activation in the brain.
It also reduced the activity in the ventral striatum and caudate.
However, the hippocampus linked with the memory, showed an increase in the activity level.
In Summary
This latest research revolves around the numerous theories existing about alcohol-related aggression, inclusive of a different study that uses neural imaging to depict changes and alterations in the prefrontal cortex and ventral striatum.
A further research on the issue of alcohol-related aggression and a deeper investigation into the level of neural influence and its implications is evidently necessary in the nearest future, to better understand the correlation between alcohol and behavioural aggression.
Also, using stronger and different dose of alcohol, alongside clinical samples, would certainly reveal more of the relationship between alcohol and aggression, and help significantly reduce the level of alcohol-related harm being experienced in various parts of the society.
Reference: r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9
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I wish they did a research on what happens just before the aggression phase. I am positive there is a phase where the individual becomes 'hyper intelligent' that is able to perform mental tasks with ease that would have otherwise being complicated if the participant was sober.
@dizzynet, yea i bet that would have an interesting angle to consider in the research, 'the phase before the aggression'. That woukd give an insight to the hyper intelligent and smart thinking phase. Thanks for visiting buddy.
Well i would say alcohol cant actually prompt aggression unless inclined to.
Great content tho👍👍
@rebeccafl, you speak like you are a 'martian' whose unaffected by liquor, lolz. In honesty, i don't even think the world can do without alcohol. Thanks for visiting @rebeccafl
This will help our health! Thank you.
Alcohol can not be useful to the body. Even if it has a body answer, the negatives will be greater on a human body. Many people have diabetes because of alcohol, this is a health aspect, and a social aspect makes you a person. Scary for kids As you do things that are not good for children, I recommend avoiding alcohol @rickie
I completely by into your thoughts @aliyagoub. Alcohol has its negative effects. But then, there have been studies to show that there are also benefits of consuming a recommended level. I honestly doubt if the world can do without alcohol. Anyway, for those who apparently can't cope, i guess abstinence would be key. Thanks for reading.