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RE: The Hidden Roots: What No One Has Told You About Why We Become Diseased And Die (And What May Be Limiting The Development Of "Superhuman" Potentials)...

in #science8 years ago

This started off good, and with the imagery I thought you were about to present something very nice. Great writing, it's entertaining; however, these are a bunch of fancy words to describe something simple.

And where's your solution? Here's the solution: eat the food that your human vehicle was designed to run on--which is raw fruits and starchless veggies. Get off those cooked drug foods as much as possible. Taking action on these suggestions will increase your bio photon levels and regain your 6th sense. THAT is the fundamental key to health and regeneration. Everything else is wordy bull shit. Check out my story:

Besides, what's so futuristic about this?

The only reason people's minds are blown here is because they're addicted to technology / science fiction instead of REALITY. I say it because it's true. Wanna get your mind blown? Stop falling for all of the food marketing, stop eating that bull shit, and eat a natural diet of raw fruits and starchless veggies. Or at least follow the people who have done it such as myself, John Rose, Dr. Robert Morse, @wizardofraw , etc.