Not so long ago the Russian and American scientists-parapsychologists made a sensational discovery: the phenomenon of predicting the future inherent in every human, so do not look for the future in the planets, maps, beans, coffee grounds and computers. We must study our own consciousness. Scientists developed information theory, which proves that predicting the future is an innate ability of the human brain, that humanity, unfortunately, lost. Parapsychologists, the proponents of this theory, conducted numerous experiments in the field of consciousness and subconsciousness, and also studied in detail the religious, philosophical and historical works of different peoples: the Bible, the Koran, the Vedas, the Torah. Among the authors of works such advanced thinkers of his time, as Plato, Aquinas, Erasmus, Apuleius, Luther, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Gumilev, Berdyaev, and many others. For example, parapsychologists believe that some aspects of information theory are contained in the teachings of Zoroaster, the founder of the religion of Zoroastrianism and prophet receiving information from the future. Zoroaster created a religion of worship of Good Thought, considering the Supreme God Ahura Mazda the Lord of Thoughts. In his teachings he explains how to work with internal information. Briefly, the essence of modern information theory is explained as follows. The human brain is a matrix that is filled with different information codes. Man lives in a three-dimensional time stream and constantly receives and emits information. The information it emits moves in the past, the information he receives, comes from the future. The information itself is nothing but the connection between the mental and the physical body of man, and man is its source and receiver. Thus, because man lives in three-dimensional time stream, he simultaneously be both in the past and in the future. He himself sends information signals from the future into the past, and Vice versa. People constantly can simulate their future by changing their past, and he always has several different options for its future. Paradoxically, the basic idea of information theory was accidentally revealed in the movie "the butterfly Effect" even before this theory was voiced in academic circles and received recognition. Studies have shown that a person, in order to predict the future, you have to experience a burst of intellectual or emotional activity: the flow of information from the future is in the works. No wonder that writers and poets, artists and filmmakers were often prophets, exactly describing future inventions and disasters in their works. The scientists explain it this way: art, culture, literature help to establish a connection with the future, because they are addressed to the descendants, and the descendants of thought - works of art. Between creators and audience there is a spiritual communication. People exchange ideas. For example, the writer writes their thoughts on paper. Descendants read them and reflect on the creation of the writer. The winds of time tear their thoughts, as the old leaves, and carries them into the past, where part of them goes to the writer. Hence the mysterious foresight. But, of course, descendants are turning their thoughts not all in a row, and to the thinkers who left their mark in history. Scientists say that at the present stage of development a person may try to regain lost capacity. With the help of special training he can improve the "audibility" of the future, but you need to learn how to create their own information streams. There are different ways: focused attention, hypnosis, meditation, yoga. You need a long and painstaking interpretation of images transmitted in the past. Event information must be accompanied by a certain emotional mood, and for each person, this attitude is individual. Recent studies show that prediction of the future and telepathy to a greater extent peculiar to children than adults. At birth the human brain develops, not only obeying the laws of biological heredity, but sensing information from the future related to the upcoming activities of man and his destiny. A child's brain as you can, preparing for the upcoming tests. Diary Moscow schoolboy Lev Fedorov, written shortly before the great Patriotic war, not only contains accurately the date for the start of the war, but revealed the basic meaning and contents of aggressive plan "Barbarossa". In the presentation given a brilliant detailed forecast of the future, shows the inferiority and futility of this plan, the inevitability of the collapse of the German military aspirations. The brighter children brain perceives information from the future, as a result, children can get sick. Few people today can make use of the telepathic abilities, but animals are constantly used them in their lives. In the book "animal Training" by V. Durov spoke about the impact of mental commands to the behavior of animals. Through the wall, not seeing or hearing person, the dog followed his mental orders. And sometimes the whole program. Telepathy is one of the most effective methods of training animals. To better understand the nature of predictions, telepathy and prophetic dreams, scientists in Russia, Europe and America are thousands of studies and experiments for the study of the major predictions of the past. There are many cases when the prophets foretold death or disaster, here are examples of several striking prophecies of history: Boris Godunov summoned the soothsayers and they predicted him that he will reign for seven years. The prophets had predicted the imminent death of Ivan the terrible, but he was angry and commanded them to be silent, threatening to burn them all at the stake. The day before predicted death he ordered their execution, but the execution did not see, as died. Basil the Blessed at the feast of Ivan the terrible, three times poured out brought him a bowl. When the king was angry at him, Basil replied: "do Not boil, Ivanushka, it was necessary to put out a fire in Novgorod, and it is filled". Later it turned out that indeed, at this time in Novgorod was a dangerous fire. A. Pushkin fortune teller predicted that he will die for a beautiful woman. American President Abraham Lincoln repeatedly seen dreams and visions (the last time on the eve of the assassination), who predicted his death from the hands of an assassin. Philosophers and religious leaders believe that prophetic foresight is initiated by divine will. This is God's wonderful revelation. But the opinion of scientists is the opposite: "the miracle signals the imperfection of this world and its incompleteness, in this situation, God always have to finish it, interfering with the course of events. It is not linked to the concepts of harmony of the world. In other words: man is his own prophet. Currently, scientists-parapsychologists are working on creating a method of prophetic foresight, thanks to which you can restore lost ability. In the twenty-first century faith in miracles and predictions as strong as ever. Like mushrooms after rain, bred psychic centers and academies, schools of magic and the occult. Charlatans offer to "foresee the future" by mail and by phone, but it is absolutely impossible in surface contact. Simply, they are human trust and belief in magic for their own selfish purposes, earning a lot of money. It is not necessary to apply the predictions to the Gypsies and fortune tellers, because each person in the state with the height of past years and acquired experience to "edit" your life to help yourself to find ways out of difficult situations, to support themselves in difficult moments. The thing to remember is that human consciousness is something like Internet, so you should protect yourself with an antivirus program with a strong emphasis of "do No harm" against any pseudoceratina and false prophets.
Fascinating information, but the layout makes it very diffucult to read. seperate paragraphs more and occsionally skip a line! great content though, specially for those of us that are not solely looking to make sttem and understand the digital world in its entirety!
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