The beauty of math: numerical history

in #science7 years ago

Suppose I showed you a number of 55 Do you understand this 55? You will understand that you are trying to understand exactly what amounts to an object or something, or some other numerical value. For example: If I say 55 mango, then you can understand or imagine what amounts to america. Maybe you'll see a basket of people who have 55 mangoes in the mind of Kalpana. Again I might say 55 degrees Celsius temperature. You can also experience a certain amount of warmth through imagination. But what 55 is a number? 55 is actually a symbol of numbers, but this is not a number at all. Even though I did not write 'Panchanana' by writing in this way, you could have realized the same number, although in this case the symbol is completely different.

The 55 symbol has an advantage. If you are asked to add the same number to the indicator number of this symbol, you can do it by using the saddle and you can also write that symbol. The symbol is 110 But how would it be difficult to find out its numerical value from a symbol? Today people are advancing far in knowledge and science. Everything has been modernized. Even in the case of numbers, it is possible to introduce a simple system that can imagine the actual numeric value of the system when looking at a symbol. Not only this, by seeing the number of multiple numbers, he can easily make different calculations, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division etc.

But the civilization of humanity was not always such a development. In the uplift of civilization, the numbers of the people were not so easy and well developed. Even people did not even know how to use a zero number, gradually they had to learn to use zero numbers and improve the number system. The first time people learned to count, then large numbers of numbers would not have been needed at this time. Even in the present times, some civilizations do not have the use of large numbers. Psychologist Jared Diamond writes that, in some villages in New Guinea, only two numbers are present. 'Rayido' to illustrate 'one' and 'two' to explain 'aya'! For a larger number, it is strongly said to be 'too much'. And to make it clear, many different numbers of these two numbers are used. For example, four is used to describe Rodrodio-Rodrigo and the five is used to describe Rodrado -Rado-Aia.

In the process, with the advancement of agriculture and livestock, the number of large numbers continued to grow; Turns out the number of marks to release 4000 years ago, people of Sumerians and other civilizations counted the number of animals or the number of animals by staining the sticks or soil blocks. Such strains are called tile marks. Later, with the addition of four stains, the fifth stain was cut, and the remaining four spots were cut to five. Thus, it was easy to calculate the number of the five stains by comparing the number. It takes less time to calculate five spots without having to count one and you are less likely to get it wrong. Such groups of groups were made to stack the scales, but sometimes they were stacked together. This tile system is still present in many places in the world.

It is easy to understand that if the number is bigger then this process will be difficult. The Egyptians had adopted so much better methods. There was evidence of their vastness in thinking, construction of huge pyramids such as pyramids, so they had to use large numbers too. They did not take a single sign for each of the rounds, and did not have a different mark at the tenth post. For example: for 1, ∩ for 10, ⱷ for 100 etc. In order to write the 376.248 number of modern decimal system, their symbol would be as follows:

Although it is apparently incomprehensible, at least this number can be expressed in this method. The sequence of symbols is not important in this method, but for the benefit of the calculation, the large numerical symbol is left to the left and gradually the mark of the injury number is placed on the right. To add two numbers, only the numbers of the numbers are solidified. The same applies to subtraction.

The wall Romans introduced another type of system with which we are all familiar. They used different letters of the alphabet to propagate numbers, which are still in some cases. For example, the numbers from 1 to 10 are indicated by I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X respectively.

If all of these numbers are in place to meet contemporary needs, then the number becomes more difficult to count when the number is a bit larger. Moreover, it is not easy to guess the original numerical value as seen. But all of these systems were a major error, which did not have the opportunity to make the number system easy. That is the absence of zero! And for this we must be reminded of the Indian numeral system.

The numbers we now use as publishers, such as 1, 2, 3, 4 ... etc. Their origin is in India. Since 500 BC, Indians used to calculate various calculations using numbers 0-9. This type of calculation has been done in Harappa civilization. These traces from the Indians reach the Arab and gradually spread to the western world. These symbols are known as Arabic sign because the Westerners have received from the Arabs, although the symbols originated in India. But the main contribution of Indians to the number system is zero circulation. Before Indians, nobody knew how to use zero. As a result, they failed to introduce a simple number system. Of course, the number of ancient civilizations was unknown to the number zero. But still they did not use their numbers zero because they thought of zero and cursed.

Pythagoras was a reputed mathematician of Greeks, but he did not allow the use of zero. He was extremely strict in this regard. His great adherence to the team was that if any of them ever talked about zero, he would give them death! He used to impose a number of different subjects in the universe, and it was started from a number of places of worship.

Whatever they may be, Indians felt the need for zero in the system and using zero used the modern system of numbers which are based on locality. In 498 BC, there is such a monument written in the Sanskrit language of the ancient Indian mathematician Arivit. He wrote "Ten Positions of Place Venue" or "Place Tenth Place to be Place" which indicates the current decimal local system. In this method, the numbers from 1 to 9 are written in different indices and then repeated on the mark. For example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are then used again. But at the right of 1 is added a zero (0) to the right. As a result, one's local standard becomes ten. If another mark is placed on the left side of this number then its value will be ten times the number on the right, and the first number is one hundred times. So the value of this number 567 will be: 7 + (6x10) + (5 x 100), that is, the value of each number should be multiplied with its local values.

In this way, using only ten marks due to local standard number system, we can write any number till infinite. As a result, we can imagine the realization of that number when we see the symbol of a number. Not only this, this method is very effective for different types of calculations. Whenever you use the numbers, you will be able to add another locality and move to the new location using the required number of zeros. In this method, the position of each digit is also very important. One of the major successes of this approach is that it teaches to calculate fractions. Even before mathematicians counted the fraction, it did not have the opportunity to express it in a single number. Rather, the fractions had to be kept in a stale way using different mathematical operators. As a result, it would be prudent to recover its original value. But in this method, using a decimal point after the single local digit, it is easy to calculate the decimal after that, then the percentage is very easy to calculate the fraction. Various specimens of Indian ancient civilization can be found in various samples.

This method of calculation of numbers was surprising and modern, and in the short time it spread to the west and became popular among the Arabs. There is evidence of this, in 662 AD from a bishop named Severus Sext by the Euphrates River. He mentions Indian method, "... much more intelligent than Greek and Babylonian method and this number system is very less descriptive ... ..." This writing provides evidence of the Arab part of the Indian number system and subsequently it arrives in Europe.

However, there are many discussions about the advent of the present system from the history of numerology. But here a question arises, why the basis of the number is ten. That is, why is the number of its neighboring figures increased by ten by one digit. It could easily be 7, or 9 or 11 etc. One answer is found from ten finger of our hands. Since the ancient times, using ten fingers of the hand, since the calculation is in force, this tenth based system has been introduced. Of course, not many numbers have been introduced on the basis of the numbers, but it has been in the end. But in modern times, many people are assuming that our number system would be easier to count if the base system was 10 or 16. Whatever the following, there is a brief description of the different numerical system as well as the addition of the ten-digit number system.

1. Oxapamin (27 based): New Guinea's Oxapamin people used the number 27 based system. From the 27 organs of human body they made these 27 based numerical symbols.

2. Jatazil (20th): In the Maya civilization, the 20-counting system was introduced in Jatzil, which originated from twenty-eight fingers of the hand and feet.

3. Yoruba (20 based): Nigerian-Kongo area was also introduced in 20 languages ​​based on Yoruba language. But there was another complexity in it. Contraceptive methods were also used in combination with the method, ignoring the details.

4. Endometrium (6th): Another language of Papua New Guinea was calculated using the 6th grade.

5. Huli (15 based): Papua New Guinea was introduced in 15 languages ​​based on Huli.

Apart from these, many different types of nomenclature existed in different parts of the world. Various types of complexity, fancy calculation techniques etc. were there.

However, there are not only ancient systems, but in the present time there are some more arrangements in addition to the ten-system system. Among these, notable octal (8-based), hexadecimal (16-based) binary (2-based), etc. These three systems are used in various computer related calculations.

The first thing to discuss about the octal system. Since the eight-based so eight numbers are in the digits. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 7th since its digit ending is the next number 10. That is, the value of 8 in the decimal method will be equal to the standard of 10 octal method. Since the number of different methods is different, so if you use these together, using the brackets, enter the number inside it and write down the base as the subscribe to the right outside the bracket. [Because the subscript is not being used here, the base is shown next to]

In other words, (8) 10 = (10) 8

So in the octal manner 11 is equal to 9 decimal method. In this way, the octal method (17) 8 is equal to decimal method (15) 10. But now we (17) have come to the end in single place. So if you add one to it, it will be 0 in the single place and the right side will be 2.

In other words, (17) 8 + (1) 8 = (20) 8 = (16) 10

So in decimal system which is 16, so octal method 20.

The total number of hexadecimal methods is 16, so the sign will also be 16. These numbers are printed with a total of 16 signals, with the symbols of A, B, C, D, E, F in alphabetical order with 10 symbols of the conventional decimal method. So in the 16-based system 9 comes after 10, comes A, then B, then C etc.

In other words, (9) 10 = (9) 16,

(10) 10 = (A) 16,

(11) 10 = (B) 16

Thus, (15) 10 = (F) 16.

That is, in the tenth, which is 15, sixteen or hexadecimal F. F is the largest number of hexadecimal. So if you add 1 to it, it will reach the two-digit house. The single digit will be empty and 1 will sit on the left side.

In other words, (F) 16 + (1) 16 = (10) 16 = (16) 10 = (20) 8

Binary Procedure: The number of systems in this system is only two digits, 0 and 1. That is, the number system starts with 0 first, then comes 1, then there is no digit because it will write 10! That is, the tenth, which is 2, the binary has 10. Which is 3 in tenth, it will be 11 in binary. After this number the next number of binary will be 100, which will be expressed in tenths 4.

In other words, (4) 10 = (100) 2,

(5) 10 = (101) 2,

(6) 10 = (110) 2,

(7) 10 = (111) 2,


(8) 10 = (1000) 2,

That is, in decimal method 8, which is 1000 in binary mode. This binary system is the modern digital method. Most computer-related work is done in binary manner. This method is very useful in computer work, although it seems that if a number is big, then the amount of money is increasingly increased. However, since this method is only two digits, so these can be expressed in the presence or absence of signals in electronics. And because of only two phases, mistakes in counting are less. In different logic countings, it can be presented in these two states in true / false and the method of counting can be designed by dividing it into a fairly simple way. The presence of absence / absence, presence of presence of magnetism / presence of absence, etc. can be stored easily.

The four modern numerical systems discussed above can easily be converted from one system into another system. But from binary to octal or hexadecimal too easily, it can be transformed in the face only with eyes. Because octal, hescdicimal etc are found to increase the binary by doubling it. So by converting three or four bits of a binary number into them, they are converted to octal or hexadecimal respectively, as well as the binary number of these binary transforms into octal or hexadecimal. For this reason many people have said that countless numbers were easy to count when our number system was not ten-based and sixteen-based. On the other hand, if these numbers are expressed in decimal form, it is difficult to do it in the face, but rather to make a few extra calculations.

Finally, a trick to roam the Internet is for everyone: "People on earth are divided into 10 groups. One of them knows the shared binary number system, and the other part does not know. "


great job

don't ask me for proof, the rules are the rules, or you resteem someone from the group or you don't post in my group !

great post, bro!

thank you

Wow ! Nice post

very interesting and informative post

Nice and informative post bro

very good

Good post