So many truths right here. I know in the last few years I have really seen the difference. My two children are 10 yrs apart and their childhood is night and day. One small thing turns into another. My youngest, who is now 7, had open heart surgery when he was just a few months old and we lost our financial footing. This snowballed into a divorce which much needed, as we were married young and we get along way better and co-parent now... but all of it starting with the stress and finances of major medical issues... we couldn't do it. We went from a largely trade and barter based community support system, living in Denver to living meagerly and not making it in Idaho. I once homeschooled my oldest and we would adventure and being business owners and such to being forced to send the kids to public school. I can't afford the kids to live with me even though dad and I get along, there is simply no recourse here. I have seen the difference in how a like minded, resource based community works on a lower local level and it was amazing. I remember having options and structure not grounded in the weight of money. Being poor in America, I won't lie, I never realized how bad it was until I was there myself. I love this article times a million, though it made me actually cry. Guess that is a good thing though. Breakdowns are breakthroughs. I just wonder how bad it will get before people listen and understand what kind of revolution is needed. Love and light.
Thank you for your comment and I am sorry that my post has made you cry.
You have had a really tough and heart breaking journey. I cannot imagine how difficult it must have been. I have never been a parent myself. My knowledge is only theoretical. I hope that your social conditions will improve soon!