Bio-enhancement Could Make Humankind Inhuman

in #science7 years ago (edited)

We are not unaware of the amazing evolution in the field of technology that has been heralded in this our era. This evolution has led to the enhancement of humans.

The future of this evolution is almost certain; as this will allow us to create whatever features we desire. But the shortcoming in this enhancement is the fact that we are at the risk of losing our humanity. We would just be a sum total of the individual products that are used to enhance us.

[Image Source]

Within the recent past, we have seen amazing feats that were not thought to be possible in every aspects of our lives. Permit me to list just three of them (for the purpose of this survey).

  1. Genetic and Epigenetic Engineering: No doubt, this has enabled us to edit and modify our physical appearances and abilities as you are all aware of. This has also gone beyond just the physical modifications to other forms of modifications that affect our emotions, sociability, and creativity.  [Image Source
  2. Human-computer Interface: This is also called “brain-machine" interface. This aspect has affected, to a large extent, the three domain of human existence (cognitive domain, efferent domain, and psychomotor domain). This can be said to have given our memory some boost, and placed into our hands the control of tons of semi-intelligent devices.  [Image Source]
  3. Personalized Pharmaceuticals: This has really not been heard of as much, but it still part of the emerging technology. This will enable humans modify their mind and bodies with precision, and less side-effects compared to today's drugs.

Now we have seen some of these evolutions, but do you know that they are pointing out to one particular direction? They are blurring out the line dividing humans and things (remember bio-enhancements are nothing more than "products").

One thing humans do not pay much attention to; is the fact that our key aspects as humans are being altered by these "products". Believe me; we are gradually losing our selfhood without even realizing it. And in the nearest future, this could leave humankind as just a mere summation of individual "products". In other words; this is leading to dehumanization.

Effect of dehumanization

Dehumanization and its attendant consequences are really not new; this was evidential from the history of colonialism, war, and even in slavery (as was witnessed in Africa, My Africa). But all these are nothing compared to what is coming with the trend of evolution of bio-enhancements.

First of all, there would be an imminent inter-human and intra-human conflict. We would be in conflict with the "products" that define us, and also between ourselves. Also, there would be battle for superiority in enhancements, and this could trigger a full blown warfare.

World war III will be triggered by the battle for superiority in AI. - Elon Musk (CEO Tesla and SpaceX)

By this time, the word "system upgrade" will be more prevalent in humans than even in computers.

Unfortunately, brain has stopped working, upgrade to version 4.2.1c"You could hear something like this: @samminator just upgraded his brain to version 4.2.1b (humorous though). Or you could get this kind of error message: "

[Image Source]

In this era, humanity will just be seen as just a platform for bio-enhancement. Imagine humans running on software.

And the truth here is that this advancement has already begun. But the hope of humankind lies in our willpower to dictate the trend of this evolution. We should not allow these evolutions to control us; but to compliment us.

But whatever happens, we should just brace up for impact. 

Tech Rules!!

References for further reading: Ref1, Ref2, Ref3


Science has really evolved from its primitive stages and in the process has done some harm to humankind. I really do just hope we're prepared for the supposed consequences of our supposed scientific and technological advancement.

Exactly bro. We need to brace up for impact

In fact, this is the era of rapid progress and transformation in all areas of humanity, perhaps the greatest danger facing humanity is artificial intelligence, where one day we can see simple devices with a power to control human destiny .

LOl. I guess we are already in that era

This is true, but man still largely controls himself, unless he wants to put his neck under the sword of scientific progress

The future is now, and the advancement of technology is so subtle, that it's fully integrated into your life, (or body) you hardly even notice your immersion into it.

Exactly. The future is now

Interesting post, definitely look forward to seeing what biological enhancements we develop. I imagine most integrations will interface with our cell phones or similar communication device to allow for seamless connection with other devices such as smart homes.

Technology can only get better. Thanks for dropping by

Thank you for another informative post!

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