Having faced one of nature’s deadliest disasters, I quite often think about what would happen if we could predict them somehow. If you know me, you must be aware that I almost lost my life twice in the earthquakes that shook Nepal in 2015.
The wounds have healed but the memories haven’t. Natural disasters occur on an almost daily basis throughout the world. Earthquakes, floods, landslides, tornadoes and other disasters claim millions of life each year and cause massive damage to property.
If there was somehow a way we could predict these, we could mitigate their effects by quite some extent. Evacuation of people could be done well before any such disasters occurred and the world would be a better place to live in.
Obviously the first place we would look for a solution would be technology. Technology has solved some of our biggest problems and continues to do so, but can it predict the wrath of mother nature?
Can Technology Help?
Scientists have begun to use something called fractals, which are basically mathematical formula of patterns that repeat over time. Using these fractals they are able to make probabilistic predictions of the time, scale and location of different disasters, but accuracy remains a problem.
Another method that scientists are using is the use of satellites. NASA’s SMAP satellite, for example, provides scientists global measurements of soil moisture and its freeze/thaw state so that they can develop better flood and drought prediction models.
InSAR (Interferometric synthetic aperture radar) satellites are being used to help predict avalanches and landslides as they are able to measure the changes in land/soil with the accuracy of millimetres.
Still, technology is nowhere near to providing the solution we need for accurate disaster prediction with time to prepare, though it is improving. Is there anywhere else we might look into? The answer might surprise you.
Animals To The Rescue?
When the Tsunami of 2004 occurred in the Indian ocean, it was the first time I heard about animals react in advance. Apparently, animals moved to higher grounds much before the Tsunami hit the shores. I was too little then and thought nothing about it.
But in the recent years, I have heard of more accounts of animals reacting in advance in various ways, to an approaching disaster. For example, in my own experience, dogs used to bark wildly just before any aftershocks that occurred after the Nepal earthquake.
Researchers say that they have noticed time and again that sharks swim to deeper waters before a hurricane or whenever a storm is about to happen. Abnormal behaviour has been observed in birds, elephants and even worms just before a natural disaster strikes.
So, do animals have a sixth sense that lets them predict disasters? Most probably not. Most researchers say that animals are just better at sensing the different signals in environment like light, sound and smell than us human beings. For example, much of the abnormal behaviour is attributed to being able to sense infrasound and ultrasounds that might precede an event, like an earthquake for example.
Can We Use This To Our Benefit?
Though there is no concrete scientific evidence of this phenomenon, the frequently observed behaviour cannot be ruled out in my own opinion.
In the future, we could use satellites to track mass migration of animals and we could use this as a signal for impending disasters, especially in disaster prone areas.
In the end, I think there won’t be one single technique that will help us predict and prepare for natural disasters but a combination of several ones. Observing animal migrations and abnormal behaviour just might be one of them.
What do you guys think of all this? Do chime in, in the comments section down below.
Image Credits for first image: Dnews channel on Youtube
The rest of the images are taken from the public domain.
Yes of course they can fish can predict tsonami before it happen this is one EX of many @sauravrungta
Yeah, for sure!
yes i also thing so that animals can predict disasters
Reminds me of Lassie on Nickelodeon. What's that Lassie, Timmys trapped in a mine shaft??
I never watched it hehe.
This article is liked to my life, in 2002 I was in India (Bhuj) Kutch that day somehow I did not go to school , neither did my elder sister go to college. But that day suddenly the bed and the room started to shake and I and my sister got up and got under the bed snatching my arm to save me from the earthquake. It was so dreadful that even now if I think about it I can picture the trauma happening outside my house. There was lot of panic and many dogs were barking before this tragic earthquake took place in (Kutch) in Gujarat. My mom figured out some how that animals do have sixth sense, they come to know about the tragic massacre going to take place. After the earth quake was hit at 7.7 magnitude of ricter scale, people were injured, countless people were dead on the streets. I was only 8 years old, I was so terrified that I could not talk to anyone, I was very scared to even leave the house to meet up with my friends. I still remember that helicopters used to arrive with food to help people survive the trauma. The best food I had was Hide and Seek biscuit, which was the food which kept me smiling and helped me keep up my hopes up that the next morning will be fine. I kept praying to god to save my family and friends from such kind of disaster.
Upvoted and resteemed
Sorry to hear this. My experience is very similar to you and I can totally relate. Disasters like these leave people traumatised for life and take many lives with them. That's why it's important that we really use all our efforts to finding ways to predict them as much as possible. Take care brother!!
Very touching incident @shasol. Glad you all were safe! Hopefully, new technology will give enough warning for people to be safe.
Unvelievable! I never knew that we had such technology at our disposal. Personally i have never been in a natural disaster situation, but I bet it is not pleasent. My sincere apologies to what has happened to you, hope you have recovered well. Thanks for the insights. I believe with these new technologies and animals we can lower the causality rate for these types of horrific disiasters. Thank you and i wish you all the best.
Yes, it's very unpleasant. Thanks for the kind words. Much appreciated :)
Its widely suspected pigs and other mammals can detect tremors of upcoming earthquakes. There was a case of a baby elephant in thailand detecting the incoming tsunami and rescued a young girls life. They interprete nature on a level we have mostlt detatched ourselves from due to technology and society.
Yeah, they are definitely more in tune with their surroundings
I believe that animals possesses some faculties that allow them to detect any natural disaster that might come well in advance. You can notice that with birds, very often you will see such type of scenario in films or documentary.
yeah, it has been observed many times. Now we only need to come up with something that translates into direct results.
Some people believe that animals can predict natural disasters, but others do not, i myself was one present at the time of 2005 Pakistan earthquake which was a major disaster in the world at that time @sauravrungta
sorry to hear that. I hope all is well with you and your family.
Wow brother, excellent post charm me! Vote for my comment, you would be helping me a lot, thanks
Thanks! :)
I like to bark.
I agree, animals know what is up! Maybe the can hear and feel the vibrations of a natural disaster before we can. I know when there are forest fires, animals start to evacuate the place even before the fire hits. Some dogs can even determine ahead of time if their owners are about to have a seizure. It's crazy how intelligent animals are.
Yeah, there is definitely a lot of such events that tell that they can sense these things before hand. Since we can't do that ourselves, we need to come up with ways that we can utilise their powerful senses for our benefits.
Lots of opportunity to figure something out. :)
BTW I really enjoy all the topics you post about. They make me think!
Thank you so much. That means a lot :)
Thank you for your thoughtfulness :)
I don't know if animals can predict natural disasters, but they might be able to detect things that humans simply can not which allows them to react to the disaster quicker.
Yes, that is exactly what happens.
Well said and I think this words you just written, every human being on the planet should know
When the Tsunami of 2004 occurred in the Indian ocean, it was the first time I heard about animals react in advance. Apparently, animals moved to higher grounds much before the Tsunami hit the shores
Thanks for sharing with us
Very good article indeed
I am your new follower
Thank you for the kind words :)
Nice my friend loved it
Thank you :)
I think that "human animals" also have latent awareness of natural disasters... That it might eventually be studied and trained.
For example, I lived through a significant earthquake in the early 1970's:
Before the quake began, in the early morning hours, I remember having some very unusual dreams. I think my body and my subconscious mind were somehow "picking up clues," some "advance signals" that the disaster was on the verge of happening.
Thanks for a good article.

That's interesting but I haven't heard about this before. Maybe we have some latent abilities, who knows. Buddhists monks can do all sorts of things once they have trained their minds and bodies.
The animals I know of can't even predict when they're gonna piddle on the floor !!HA

dogs can detect earthquakes before they happen
Not every time though.
Yes animals might have abilities..Human beings live in a dimention which might be different for animals.And we might not even know it yet.Apparently animals can hear the death and suffering as well..
I think they are just better at sensing the various signals in the environment.
Wolf Blitzer, but actually he's just reading a teleprompter ;-)
Fun post, upvoted @roused
Animals are more connected to the earth... They live and survive on their instincts -- so I wouldn't doubt, they are capable of many things were not aware of....
Yeah, very true. More attuned with their surroundings for sure!
I remember of the total eclipse of the sun we had in Romania in 1999 (not a disaster but sensed by animals as a possible one). I was in the country side and couple of minutes before it started all animals acted crazy. Chickens were the noisiest but all my cats disappeared also. Right now, those second or couple of minutes animals have before us are not enough as we as populations are more inclined to panic than to act (I talk strictly about the country I live in. I assume that in the areas where disasters strike often people are faster in their decision and they know what to do to save their lives).
Yeah, in the time of disasters, even two minutes of warning can result in saving thousands of life and that means a lot.
had heard about this before but not the stories about the 04 Tsunami, very interesting!
Oh nice. Yeah, there are all sorts of articles about the 04 Tsunami incident.
As you say, animals seem to be more in tune with what's going on in the environment. My friend's dog is a great predictor of an upcoming thunderstorm!
See, that's another example right there. I just wish we humans could make sense of it all.
If only they could talk! :-)
I was thinking myself that animals must just be better at detecting things that we humans can't pick up on
yep, they sure are!
flock of goose and we survive everything
Animals can predict natural diseases!i live in a zone with earthquakes and before they starts animals always goes crazy
yes, that is one of the most observed phenomenon.
I do believe animals are in tune with nature. Next time you see a storm rolling in, observe the reactions of the birds. You will be amazed !!!
I have actually observed the birds before a storm. They just go haywire, don't they?
Animals have been known to detect seismic waves better that some of the best advanced seismological equipments. Most times, shortly before earthquakes, you'll notice animals running around in random forms. This could be just a way of reporting a disaster.
Nice post. Followed ya
Nature's design always beats human's designs ;)
A recent study showed that dogs could smell cancer.
Amazing animals.
Really? haven't even heard of this one.
I am always amazed to see how animals behave in such situation. I agree with what you say, with respect to the fact that they are probably better in analyzing the signs of nature. We may also look, as humans, to the wrong signs. I don't know exactly what to think of all this, but I hope science and technology will improve in the next few years!
PS: I didn't know you were hit by two earthquakes! Happy to see you are now (at least physically) well.
Yeah, i hope we can advance technology enough to predict these and save lives.
Yes, i am doing good now. Thanks for the kind words. Really meams a lot :)
It seems like it could be more of an evolutionary trait that we've just forgotten moreso than just can't. There's evidence that suggests that humans can indeed sense certain types of danger with our natural senses. A good example would be the effects of Infrasound. While some people can experience natural and man-made phenomena in relation to infrasound, others cannot. Now that mankind has developed reliance on certain detection methods, over time, we may begin to lose or neuter other senses as well.
oh yes they can! thank you so much for sharing.