
I read that, but I don't think we are on the same page here. Firstly, I think you would be credible as a reporter (unless you are a scientist or engineer) if you included your sources or background. While I'm not a nuclear engineer, I did study higher level physics in college, and reading your article was very misleading to say the least. Here is why, nuclear fusion reactors have existed for a few years already, but the elephant in the closet is a reactor that creates less energy than you put in. So even if you could achieve higher temperatures, what mechanism are you employing to reach higher output than input?

The other thing I want to mention is that you are being supported by someone on this platform and you are earning based on other people's research and you are simply reporting their findings. When other people come here and see your headline and then read the article, what do you think people will expect? I was a bit disappointed to say the least. It doesn't look good for the platform.

That's just my 2c.

Thanks for your feedback. Will keep in mind to include the sources the next time I am reporting on something like this.

Generating sustained power from nuclear fusion reactions sure is tricky and as you mentioned, the big elephant in the room is that right now, the input is greater than the output. That is because we are just not able to keep the chain reaction going for longer period of time. The higher temperatures (100 million degree celsius) are required for the fuel (deuterium and tritium) to become plasma. Once plasma is created, an electric current can be passed through it to initiate a chain reaction, that if held for a longer period of time, will give out more energy than is used to hold that state. The mechanism used here is a magnetic confinement one, where the plasma is held in place with the help of superconducting magnets.

According to the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, a large power station, could provide 20 to 30 times more output than the input.

Thanks again for feedback. Will mention the relevant sources the next time and hopefully you won't be disappointed the next time you read a post from me. :)