Do satellites exist?

in #science5 years ago

Today we attack the satellite lie. Satellites do not exist because there's no such thing as a Thermosphere/exosphere. If satellites did exist up in the atmosphere they would be in molten form and not functional at all. Let's see what excuse they use to justify their narratives in the scientism movement. For those who took geography i hope you still recall the layers of the atmosphere and their temperatures which is going to be a big factor in this discussion. Temperature in the range of up to 2000°C they say 🤷🏿‍♂️. They tell us that satellites don't get heated up because there's little air to bombard for the heat transfer to occur 🤣🤣🤣 how foolish as you will soon see. They say it's even impossible to pick up the temperature (How did they measure the temperature in Thermosphere in the first place 🤔).
First let me list the laws of thermodynamics as you shall come to understand they go against their own rules which they say apply universally 🏃🏾‍♂️ circular explanations as usual. Anyway here are the 2 laws of thermodynamics 💥😆

1: Energy is an expression of the conservation of energy principle and assert that energy is a thermodynamic principle (Basically they are saying heat is energy)
2: asserts energy has quality as well as quantity and actual process in the direction of a decreasing quality of energy (Hot moves to 👉🏿 cold) For example A cup of hot coffee left on the table eventually cools but a cup of coffee in the same room never gets hot by itself. The high temperature of coffee is degraded as heat is lost to the surrounding air(Hot goes to cold). So how's heat not getting to the ISS & thousands of Satellites in a very hot Atmosphere 👀🤷🏿‍♂️❓

Remember the higher you go the cooler it becomes mantra we were told only applies to the troposphere which is up to 10 km up in the atmosphere.
In the stratosphere the temperature starts to increase going up into the Thermosphere where temperature reaches 2000° C ( Remember satellites are made of circuit boards and everything which is plastic which melts at pretty much the same temperature as the boiling temperature of water 100° C (approximately). Temperatures in the exosphere ranges from 1500° C -2,500° C
Remember the Hubble telescope is supposed to be at 560 km in the atmosphere 🤣🤣🤣
Let me explain something else which I think is relevant for you to understand where all their lies fall in this narratives that they teach in astronomy classes 🤣🤣🤣 which totally doesn't fit logic when you apply their own laws on their own explanation of how everything works.

Boiling water in a closed pot makes the lid rattle depending with the amount of air you have enclosed in and even can blow up because pressure and temperature are proportional. The higher the temperature the more kinetic energy more bombarding causing high pressure

Lower layers of the Atmosphere due to gravity is densely packed togather and spread far apart the higher in altitude you go. This is the excuse they use in astronomy to justify why satellites and ISS don't boil 🤣🤣🤣 let's see. They say there isn't enough air particles bombarding to transfer their heat to the satellites and ISS and their space crafts 🤣🤣🤣

Space is supposed to be cold. The mesosphere they say is -500° C
Here's something we need to ask : How does the satellite lose the heat if it can't gain or lose heat to the surrounding. It should keep on heating up till it melts since there is no means of it cooling as you shall come to see ( The same way they said how a thermometer can't pick heat in the Thermosphere because there's no bombarding particles )
All materials expand when heated and condense when cooled.
So what's keeping the Thermosphere hot if it can't transfer any heat therefore also meaning it cant gain any heat but wait a minute that's not what their science say 🤣🤣🤣🧠💀
In space there is supposed to be no air no gas. Keep the above statements in mind about gaining and loosing heat as explained above. How does heat from a 93 Million miles away sun ☀️ reach the surface of the earth if heat needed particles to be propagated and warm the earth.
They say Electromagnetic waves can go through space/Vacuum(nothing). Light in astronomy and physics covers the Electromagnetic spectrum. Apart from the visible spectrum which only accounts for a small portion of the Electromagnetic spectrum. For example the supposed NASA ISS and the thousands of Satellites ,Space crafts 😆and satellite junk 🤷🏿‍♂️ are able to communicate through a vacuum by Electromagnetic waves which don't seem to require a medium according to their science. That's how the supposed Apollo Astronauts (Astronots) were supposedly able to send and receive in space during the Apollo moon missions.
FB_IMG_1572257048344.jpgThey also say these E.M.W are also responsible for heating up the Earth's atmosphere by absorbing the Gamma, X-RAYS.. that's what is heating up the atmosphere as we are told that the particles absorb light and that's what makes the atmosphere hot and also stay hot. Ok 🤔
Isn't the same E.M waves heating up the satellites ,space crafts and ISS the same way the atmosphere which it is in is heated up 🤔. Remember they told us that the satellite doesn't get heat up because there's little air to transfer the heat but shouldn't the same way the air in the atmosphere is getting heated up apply to the satellite. What makes them different ? Even if you check the supposed design of satellites and space crafts this is not a considered factor in all their designs. They should all be in molten form because they will be getting heated up by the sun E.M waves both in space(Vacuum) and in the atmosphere. Also consider the high temperatures of the layer of Atmosphere which the ISS and satellites exist in. They all should be molten especially since these technological devices don't consider this a factor in any of their designs to prevent heating up. They should keep on heating and heating especially since they say heat can't travel in a vacuum and also in the atmosphere in which these things are in. They therefore have no means of loosing the heat which they get from the sun E.M waves
It's all made up and Hollywood has filled your heads with fantasy of a place that doesn't exist. It's all TV there is no such thing as space


So much words for such bullshit ... :(