The interesting news came from Canadian astrophysicists claiming that they experimentally discovered optical spectrum modulations of stars with the most likely explanation being that these modulations are caused by activities of extraterrestrial civilizations.
The article of Canadian astrophysicists E.F. Borra and E. Trottier (Département de Physique, Université Laval) was published in a prestigious scientific journal “Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific”. The journal is more than simply authoritative in fundamental astronomy and astrophysics with each article heavily reviewed and verified before publication. This means that even if Borra and his co-author did not find any aliens, they certainly found interesting peculiarities of some stars from spectral class range F2-K1 similar to our Sun.
The scientists analyzed roughly 2.5 million spectrums of stars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data using Fourier Transform. 234 stars with their spectrum demonstrated periodic modulations with the period of modulation being equal for all 234 stars. At the same time, all unusually behaving stars belong to spectral classes from F2 to K1. This means that the stars are very similar to our sun with its spectral class being G2.

The screenshot is taken from Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence project SETI@home
The authors of the article claim that the discovered anomalies cannot be caused by hardware errors or mathematical peculiarities of signal processing. Borra and his colleagues believe that the most fitting hypothesis is that we are observing high frequency (about 10-12 times per second) light impulses that are generated by extraterrestrial civilizations.
Perhaps, we in fact observe how developed civilizations communicate to each other!
People with expertise in star spectroscopy or star seismology, I would definitely love to hear your opinions on the matter!
This is not the one SETI@home said they highly doubt its from ETs?
It is very exciting to see data come in on a subject like this, but as far as I am aware it takes immense amount of energy to truly communicate intergalactic not to mention the time difference. I admit I'm not up to date on this matter. I've bin more dedicated with the working of quarks and vacuum energy. Unless the Aliens have figured out how to tape into this unlimited source of energy I would suspect that the finding have to do with some other phenomena. But thanks for reporting it.