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RE: Brian Silence Flat Earth / Globe Lie Censorship? by Elissa Hawke

in #science8 years ago (edited)

Sorry not for me it's not convincing. It only says that our eyes and brain are arranged in such a way that they do not notice such curvature. They are simply not fit for this. For example, I think you will not be able to determine accurately enough without using any devices what distance to the object located in the range of 1.4 - 1.6 kilometer.
Plus our mind is arranged in such a way that if you strongly believe in something, it does not matter what, it will adjust your perception to your beliefs, faith.
Here is an example of deception of perception perception.gif


here is an example of if you strongly believe in something, the eyes see what the mind thinks it knows... there are hundreds of videos showing things at distance that should be obscured by curve. This means we have to change our minds to fit the facts. If there is no curvature it cannot be a globe

Flatearthers say that they do not believe in satellite photographs, confirming that the Earth is spherical. Why do they think that the video about a flat Earth deserves more confidence?
And you can find no less a number of videos confirming the sphericity of the Earth.