Maybe the bigger question is do vaccinations actually work – ie. do they reduce the spread of diseases?
I say they don’t, and not a single properly designed study has ever been done that proves otherwise.
And maybe the real question here is: are vaccinations associated with higher rates of autism? (just try disproving that one!)
Have we had any smallpox outbreaks since the late 80ies?
Since when? - the 1880's?
The vaccination certainly caused an immediate rise in deaths
All diseases tend to decline over time as natural immunity grows, but vaxxers always claim this as a triumph of vaccination - how about Typhoid Fever?
Now where is that link to your properly designed study?
Certainly, sanitization and antibiotics played a large role in reducing death rates from these diseases. But death rates are misleading here. Disease incidence is the relevant parameter to assess the efficacy of a vaccine, and that only under the assumption that vaccination rates of 80-90% in the relevant nation are achieved.
Great that most of these graphs have the vaccine introduction far on the right of the x-axis )whooping cough, diphteria, measles) or the covered timeframe is negligible (polio) to the time that is needed for the vaccine to take effect in the whole population.
Whoops I've slipped into a wormhole I didn't realise existed on Steemit - it didn't used to!
Antibiotics - WTF?
I'm outa here..
What is wrong with antibiotics? :D
Antibiotics don't kill viruses so they have nothing to do with any of this subject!
Ahhh I love that picture :D
For a moment I thought you were saying 'antibiotics are a lie' and was like WTF?, sorry for the confusion.
Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever and typhoid fever are all caused by certain species of bacteria, thus amenable to treatment with antibiotics.