I am here to help spread scientific knowledge and break down primary publications in such a way so as to cut through the jargon and provide you the main conclusions in short (well compared to the original articles at least!) and easy to read posts.
You do this very well. The material was presented beautifully. Do you mind if I ask what you use as software to get it formatted this way. i.e. Do you use a word processor or other editor?
Upvoted already following and saved post to try and emulate presentation of content.
I just use markdown commands for my formatting.
No editor, I just learned the commands overtime so I can just type :D
Thanks for your kind words too, comments like this really make my day!
You are a magician if you are just doing this directly in the Steemit editor, especially keeping track of the citations. High quality posts.
I don't even use the steem editor per say, I just type it directly in mark down. I sometimes type things out in a word document first and then just copy paste it over, but thats more just for catching my typos (which I still miss a bunch of!)