Strange, marvelous, and even impossible things regularly happen in dreams, but people usually don’t realize that the explanation is that they are dreaming. Usually doesn’t mean always and there is a highly significant exception to this generalization. Sometimes, dreamers do correctly realize the explanation for the bizarre happenings they are experiencing, and lucid dreams, like those recounted above, are the result.

Lucid dreaming has been known for centuries, but has until recently remained a rare and little-understood phenomenon. Lucid dreams can be used to fight nightmares, as a tool to get to know your-self or entertainment. In dreams, where the dreamer has a sufficiently high level of control over the content of dream, any desire can be realized.
Dreams are physiological creatures similar to the hallucinations that occur during a sleep. During one night, we dream for 1.5 to 2 hours. They occur during the REM (Rapid Eye Moves) phase. One dream cycle lasts 90 minutes. At the beginning of the night the REM phases are short (_about 10 minute_s). With time, they become longer, even up to 45 minutes. At the same time, the NREM phases are shortened.

Being awake in the dream world is like being awake in the real world.. except that you aren’t bound by the laws of physics and you can do as you wish, without permanent consequences. The practical side of the phenomenon of lucid dreaming are really big possibilities associated with it. In this state, you can travel around the Earth, Universe and control everything what is happening.
Many people experienced lucid dreams after reading or hearing about lucid dreaming for the first time. Many others, on the other hand use different techniques to better understand the essence of this phenomenon and realized it. Autosuggestion is the easiest way to get this state. You should just go to sleep with the intention of experiencing a lucid dream.
To other known methods we can include:
- Keeping a dream diary, allowing to write down dreams and remember them.
- See specific elements during your journey and recognize them in a dream.
- Recognition the activities, context and form that a given visualization takes.
- Also important are concentration, discipline and will power, in the perception and training of dream consciousness.
- Certain substances, also found naturally in various herbs, can help to achieve lucid dream.

So this phenomenon is in general highly connected with our "strength of mind". People have lucid dreams from a long time, but only recently have they been proven and aroused the interest of scientists.
It shows how little we know about our "world" and its image. Some things are still unexplained, but we still have access to them. We just need to know how to fully use their potential and capabilities, that they offer to us.
I want to fly in my dreams so badly, I even tattooed "Am I dreaming?" on my right quadriceps facing right up at me! Nothing great yet, but maybe I'm just not remembering...