Many don't know who Nikola Tesla was and what he did, and with this post i want to explain a little about Nikola Tesla. But you know what they say, a picture say more than thousand words. So here is a picture with some information about Nikola Tesla and a website link with more information about one of the greatest scientist of all times.
Here is a link to the biography of Nikola Tesla.
My point is, it's important to learn from the situations of the past, or else the same mistakes will be made again. Like on this moment we are in the same situation. The blockchain technology is the same revolutionary product, as what Nikola Tesla had created in the past. It's a invention what would benefit the public, but not for the elites who wanted to use the inventions of Tesla for profit. While Tesla wanted free energy for the whole world.
Now we are in a similar situation, the blockchain technology is for everyone. But the elites or banks are not working along, in fact they are seeking for ways to stop the blockchain tsunami in any way what they can. Imagine how different our reality could be if Nikola created a crowd funding from the public for his inventions?
And that the information and knowledge had been open source! Like it was shared in the newspaper. Unfortunately Tesla did not have the luxury we have on this moment, and he was forced to accept the reality and died lonely on a old age.
So to honor one of the greatest scientists of all times, i would say lets finish what he started and work together and make the blockchain technology the change what the whole world needs. Nobody needs youtube, facebook, instagram and all those other BS social media platforms. What we need are platforms like Steemit, and there are many more social blockchain projects. Just google social blockchain projects 2018/2019 and see for your self! And if you know some social new blockchain projects, then feel free to share here in a comment. Thanks for reading!
Love this!
Free electricity wasn't appealing to the greedy. This is why his work was quickly taken, read and then likely used to make money.
Well written, mate.
You pose good food for thought with this article. It's an interesting thing to think of just how good it can be to have platforms like Steemit, and many others, where real information can be passed openly and without any full on restrictions.
I look forward to seeing more posts like this, good on ya!
He knew how to use wireless energy the healthy way, these days we use unhealthy (WIFI) frequenties. If they used his ideas there were no wars about oil. Good post!
These kinds of topics is what the world really needs to read!
Maybe we need to think of a new hashtag for this anti-elite-wakeup calls.
Thoughts? #anonymous or #wakeup or maybe #disclosure?