People who want change their sex (biological) totally and want to have surgeries and take hormones are transsexual.
It is not so obvious for everyone. Especially when we have changed our language and more people use the word gender. But it is not true that transsexual is an old word for transgender. Transgender people do not have to be willing to change their biological sex to different that the one asiigned at birth.
And also the term gender disphoria instead of sexual identity disorder,was created to emphazise that there is not something wrong with someones identity
There is something wrong with their biology. They have wrong sex. Deifferent than their gender. Gender is more about social role, sexual realization. Sex is more about having penis or vagina. Being biological woman or men
Wow..more than a handful of the world's population ain't even aware of this. Thanks for this info @smashedturtle
Hi, @smashedturtle, thanks for pointing out a particular point. But I sorta stated your point already within the article. Transgenderism is an orientation and transsex is only a category within the broad topic of transgenderism. Realizing this, I explained that I was going to focus on those who underwent sex reassignment surgeries. I mean, that's one major part where science comes in.
This was where I sorta laid it all out. Thanks anyway for the elucidation. I am grateful I was able to learn more via your correction.
That's interesting to know. In my last post I was criticized for using the term transsexual, but it appears from what you're saying that I was right in using that term.