Half way through 2017 I decided I would no longer eat meat. A big part of this was due to the unnecessary killing of animals and also the massively devastating effects animal cultivation has on our fragile planet. I often talk to people about this change (of course in a polite, non-angry-vegan way) and have by far found the most common reason people don't want to change their dietary habits is because of taste. This sounds like a job for SCIENCE!
I totally understand 100% the need for a good tasty meal. I ate meat for 37 years and for the most part enjoyed ever single bit. Although I've personally transcended the idea that pleasing my tastebuds means more than an animal's life, I fully realise that taste is the one of the biggest experiences we can have as human beings. When I first heard about this 'lab grown meat' my first instinct was one of intrigue but also disgust and worry. Also knowing what humans are like, I knew it wouldn't fair too well with the scared-of-anything-new mentality most of the population generally has. It pleases me though that many major financial investments are being made to make this new meat a reality and to gain a further understanding of how this could help us survive on our Pale Blue Dot.
Companies such as Mosa Meat, Memphis Meats and Beyond Meat, as well as large financial investors like Richard Branson and Bill Gates, are daring to change the world and create a sustainable meat industry that could very well be the new era of the basic human diet. Quite possibly, as the methods become easier to replicate and cheaper to create, it may even help reduce starvation in third world countries and eliminate diseases. The immediate advantages are obvious, from it being completely disease free, environmentally friendly, quicker to create, easier to modify flavours and less animals to be harmed. Of course there will be negative effects no doubt but as with everything it is all a learning experience pushing forward. From what I understand there still will need to be a level of animal usage because these meats will be created from the animal cells.
There will be minefields to navigate and it will require a huge amount of marketing to ease many people's weariness towards a food that is created in this way. A huge concern would be keeping the hardworking farmers around the world employed and stop their farms from going bankrupt. How we can do this is anybody's guess. While I do feel for the farmers which will feel the massive brunt of the financial impact, we can't hold back this initiative and need to figure out ways to help them survive financially in other ways. We've done it before throughout history as businesses need to change to keep up with the way society is changing and no doubt will figure it out as the food industry changes. I am hopeful this is just the very beginning of a new way we look at what we put on our plates.
What do you think? Would you be willing to try a lab grown meat?
meat created in labs is going to be cheaper, better for the environment and far more healthy. Can't wait!
I have big respect for you stopping your intake! This article is awesome and has alot of meaning.
Eating meat in general should only be done twice a week. If you gave someone a knife and said you can only eat meat if you catch it and kill it yourself. Trust me they wouldn't be eating meat everyday. Far to difficult and you would struggle to kill it.
Our ancestors ate mainly a vegetarian diet. Around 70%. People today eat 70% meat. It's better if we just cut down on the intake and create healthy meat in labs. There are literally no cons in doing this!
Thanks @greenerz I'm glad you enjoyed my take on it. I try to post meaningful things as often as possible as Steemit is certainly the place to connect with like-minded people.
I've completely gone off meat and have felt great for the last 8+ months but if I had to I would do the killing myself so I could be conscious of the being's life that I took. I absolutely agree we have it backwards, especially here in Australia where we can sometimes have bbq's with 10 different types of meat and the salads go virtually untouched.
I like your quality comment to my article, you're my kinda Steemian 😊 Follow you now.
I won't :(
Haha fair enough. I bet you will one day whether you like it or not :)
Hahaha! Only if I don't know its source... nice info... thank you for sharing ;)
No way! I just don't crave the texture and taste of meat anymore. I would probably feel really uncomfortable eating it.
Yes I totally understand being a vegan myself. I do see though that it's a great step to removing animal products from our diet altogether.
True! But I must say, this definitely has a lot of cons!!! In the end, I just hope everybody will get on board because this is much more sustainable and animal-friendly, as you already said!
The world is hungry as ever, i would try to only get the free range meat farm and eat lesser than what we needed. Drink more water haha
I know where I stand with this sort of stuff, the same way I do with GMO and conventionally farmed fruit, veg, wheat, sugar etc.... Well away from it! There's plenty of scientific studies out there that indicate the negative health effects these things have on the human body over time, so why add another to the list?
Creating meat in lab conditions for mass production to sustain a population is a certain type of fear mongering that keeps the tribe hooked on something that isn't necessary to stay alive and be healthy! As a society we have been fed an absolute truckload of bullshit to keep certain industries alive and to keep the populations health in a state of constant upkeep. Both are creating trillions of dollars for large corporations (meat, dairy and big pharma) and to fill the pockets of a very tiny minority. So yay!!! Lets give planet earth another bullshit story to worry about and then fill the void with meat flavoured poison! That'll keep the plebs piling up in hospitals with cancers and other debilitating diseases.. CHA CHING$$$$$
How about this instead? Let's give people free education on sustainable crop growing, free seeds for cultivation, donated plots of government land for communities to participate as a collective to feed themselves. If there's any food left over, sell it at market to purchase things in the family home/community or equipment for farming more crops. No wait! That's absolutely absurd! Where's the money in that?
I'll eat my own shit before I eat lab meat! Great post tho! :)
without these kind of implications and to think they're going to add cancers to it is just plain fear mongering in itself.Haha @byronbayholistic, thanks for your lengthy reply. I think you should give this a chance as there are a huge amount of benefits to creating meat without the slaughter and destruction of our planet. You say fear mongering but if you step back from your emotion your comment is laced with it. Cancers and debilitating diseases has no facts behind it when we stick to what the article was about, lab-grown meats. Science will be able to create meat
It's all well and good to give free education on growing foods but it's not something that everyone is capable of doing (age, disabilities, land size, right environment etc.) as well as many people will just never stop eating meat, simple as that. I do like your way of thinking and I live a vegan fresh food diet myself, I'm just unsure the mass population can ever move back to a more growing and sharing food model.
hey this is @alexandravart with my new community based account, my intention with this account is to also promote artists and create some opportunity for them, I hope our initiatives could work together since we have similar mind sets :P
Hey @alexandravart (@ccommons.art) yes of course, that sounds like a great idea! The more the merrier I say. Unlike most of life which is geared towards cutting eachother down, Steemit is about growing together, building eachother up and we ALL grow as people, as artists and as friends. Let me know how I can help you and we'll certainly work together 😊