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RE: Is there a God? A perspective from a scientific standpoint.

in #science9 years ago

Google The Simulation Hypothesis. It has plenty of scientific evidence that the universe seems to work like a simulation. Once I saw that I realized it was one way where science and the Bible do not conflict. Therefore it is the best available explanation I have seen that explains all the facts that have been documented throughout history.

Does God use a universe of supercomputers to simulate this universe? I doubt it. But that's not the point. The point is that God clearly generates this reality from some higher level definition and therefore has complete control over every physical particle.

If you've ever built a simulation (I have done many) or an animated Hollywood movie, you know that you can design the various components in any order you like. You can create all the characters for Disney's The Jungle Book while waiting for another team of designers to create the universe in which they will operate.

Your idea of the Bible getting things "in the wrong order" merely shows your preconceived acceptance of the matrix in which you are living.

God is outside that box.

The only way you can know anything about what is out there is if you accept what God has revealed about it.

Most of the anologies I've been using in this conversation are just to help you expand your thinking by talking in terms of science fiction - which humans seem to have an easier time exercising their imagination with. I'm perfectly fine with just accepting that "it is written."

"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."


I don't need to Google it, I've written about that topic at great length before.

Your idea of the Bible getting things "in the wrong order" merely shows your preconceived acceptance of the matrix in which you are living.

No, it gets them in the wrong order.

God is outside that box.

No, God is the box itself. You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what God is because you were raised in a cult. You will never truly know God so long as you remain in this deceived state.

The only way you can know anything about what is out there is if you accept what God has revealed about it.

The Bible is not the revealed word of God any more than the Qur'an or Book of Mormon are. Because you are not a Muslim or a Mormon you can see, from the outside, that those religions are false. But you can't see that about your own religion from within.