Scientists fear that finding a vaccine for the emerging corona virus "may be impossible," and they believe the world may simply have to adapt to the ever-present threat of the virus, according to a report by Business Insider.
The report quoted UK Chief Physician Christopher Witty as telling a parliamentary committee Friday that there was "worrying" evidence indicating that it might not be possible to stimulate immunity to the virus if it continued for an extended period of time.
This reduces the chances of getting to a vaccine that stops the virus, he added.
He pointed out that there is evidence of recovering people returning to the virus again, and described this as a situation of little concern.
The World Health Organization said there was "no evidence" currently that those recovering from the emerging coronaviruses and had antibodies were not exposed to a second virus infection.
"Witte" told the commission that evidence from other forms of coronavirus showed that "immunity against it is declining relatively quickly."
He said that the world needs to be careful of the assumption that a vaccine for this disease will be reached exactly as it was the case with other diseases, and as was the case with measles, for example, a disease once you get the vaccine, you are protected for life