Yes you read right , what we know about these ancient beasts might be wrong !
A researcher was looking through an electron microscope , starring at cells of soft tissue freed from inside the calcified remains by four weeks of immersion in mild acid. He saw structures appearing to be blood vessels and even crystallized blood proteins among other preserved organic molecules. He was working with a 3.5 ft.-long triceratops horn from the Hell Creek Formation in Montana. It was from a dinosaur that evolutionists say lived at the end of the so-called Cretaceous Period 65 million years ago .
Any textbook will tell you, when an animal dies, soft tissues such as blood vessels, muscle and skin decay and disappear over time, while harder tissues like bone may gradually acquire minerals from the environment and become fossils.
Mary Schweitzer , one of the first scientists to use the tools of modern cell biology to study dinosaurs, has upended the conventional wisdom by showing that some rock-hard fossils tens of millions of years old may have remnants of soft tissues hidden away in their interiors. Findings like these are becoming more and more common and have led evolutionary scientists to invent many theories to explain away how such tissues could last for millions of years.
Here is where it gets interesting.
The discovery they made claims that the dinosaurs we believe to be millions upon millions of years old , are but only thousands of years old ! The preservation of soft tissue in the dinosaur remains is powerful , biological evidence that the triceratops horn, and other such dinosaur findings, are far less than 65 million years old , 4000 to 6000 years old to be more exact ! 65 million years being the original estimate the dinosaurs became extinct .
A Tyrannosaurus-Rex found in Montana was dug up, its leg bone was broken in pieces, and fragments dissolved in acid , just like triceratops horn , in Schweitzer’s laboratory at North Carolina State University , in Raleigh. The discovery amazed everyone involved , who had never imagined that even a trace of still-soft dinosaur tissue could have survived !
This might also help settle a long-running debate between scientists about whether dinosaurs were warm-blooded, cold-blooded—or both.
In conclusion.
I think this is really cool , these kind of new discoveries always interest and fascinate me! There is still obviously a lot more to be researched and reviewed , but it just goes to show how much we actually still need to learn and discover about our planet's past .
Personally though , I agree with both that dinosaurs are millions of years old , and thousands years old , because I believe in the possibility of a few number of dinosaurs that might have survived the dinosaur extinction and lived on for that time after , ultimately dying off slowly because their food source became less and less. But that's just my theory on it . What are your guys' thoughts ?
Thank you so much for reading ! If you have any questions , I'll be more than happy to answer any you may have .
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Please correct me if I am wrong. I think it is an interesting post but I think there is no way dinosuors could still survive thousands years ago. I went to a Celtic museum the other day and I saw their culture start > 7000 years ago. Shouldnt they have at least some draw on the rock for record if Dinosaurs did live with them ? Can't they just run a C14 test to tell the time ?
Besides, I googled Mary Schweitzer name and I found this article
So according to this article, the soft tissue was preserved because the dinosaur was buried in a good condition and it was preserved by the iron from its blood. I don't know how accurate it is but it seems more reasonable.
Thank you @dihyrogeno , I'm glad you found the post interesting .
I'm glad I could get you thinking about this topic . I see your point on the Celtic museum , but who's to say there were dinosaur near them . I should have said in my theory that the dinosaurs that could have survived were probably the ones furthest away from whatever killed them . We will have to wait and see what science's ansewr is to the strange discovery .
Nice post. I'm always amazed that these things can be accurately dated back by thousands or millions of years. And I cant even remember how old my mom is . Ha ha.
@sv67216721 GOOD ONE ! XD and thank you : ) .
Nice article except that the dinosaurs never existed. Can you image two T-Rexes having sex? How would that work out exactly? Get real please... Don't buy into the lie. #GLOBEXIT
@marketexpert I guess how any other reptiles mate in the present time XD.
As if a T-Rex is just another ordinary reptile #wakeuppleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase
Well the fact that there are dinosaur bones found in the ground gives strong evidence that they did exist .
Well if they can get biological tissues then they will be able to clone them... Jurassic Park anyone...
Yes please @alao , daddy wants me a new ride to school . lol XD