This is exactly why I am here, on this platform, among this community, right now!
What a stunningly comprehensive expose, I would almost call it, of the maelstrom of confusing developments of the society of the world we inhabit. I think you are on to something with regard to the kamikaze mission we appear to be on. Yes this is not of our doing, but that of the psychopaths, miscreants and self serving parasitic entities who somehow achieve power.
I must confess that I do have some misgivings about those I have already mentioned having free reign of all that human genome data, after all. it's not as though they have always acted for the common good thus far, right?
Interesting factoid - The marbled lungfish and the canopy plant would obliterate all of my storage capacity in one fell swoop!
I have perused documents previously about the ARKive type suppositions, but none of them adequately referred to the small matter of maintaining a well balanced natural hierarchy/ food-chain, now you mention it, that would be rather catastrophic, if allowed to re-establish unchecked.
You have blown my mind entirely with the concept of naked DNA and a biological storage system. this sounds so instinctive now that you explain it, but wow, how far did we come already. I realise that much of this is speculation albeit founded on some pretty solid scientific principles but still...I am staggered!
This method certainly appears to have legs (and roots and pseudopods)
You manage to achieve something of great merit within this post, if the layman is to understand, engage with and maintain an interest in a topic that is often seen as dry as scientific theory, try and present it with a little humour and at times irreverence.
If humanity is unable to understand such matters, how can it have any say on potentially catastrophic decisions that one day may need to be taken? How can we avoid a colossal mistake? I am not suggesting a P.T. Barnum meets Darwin approach exactly but a little more scientific discourse on TV rather than one more reality show featuring young people with shall we say, low vibration morals.
I should point out however, that I personally have not found the matters you address as dry, boring and overly academic, on the contrary, I believe you brought life to the topic and a fluidity of supposition and preponderance that added vibrancy to the subject.
Sometimes you read something that has both emotional and psychological resonance to a degree you wish could be ignored and yet it seems that every fibre of your being accepts the sad inevitability init's words. I refer of course to;
Global political tensions soar to an irreversible boiling point, the crazies in charge scratch their itchy trigger fingers and 98% of the planets species perish in the inevitable thermonuclear apocalypse and ensuing centuries of global winter.
I literally never understood the principle behind our species building, owning and contemplating the use of such monstrously genocidal weapons, justified by the erroneous and ludicrously ironic premise as defence. Maybe I am constructed from alien DNA and this explains my cognitive dissonance with much of my alleged species.
...An olive leaf... A stunning culmination the single greatest post I have ever encountered in the last 14 months.
I must confess I did not cover the vast majority of the points that this post raised within my mind, but was incredibly aware of how lengthy this comment was becoming and worried that it may be perceived rude to carry on. Do not confuse much on my response as coming from a place of scientific knowledge. I am sadly lacking in this regard, but ever open to new data and an opportunity to think.
I was thrilled to see a link to this post on Discord and am delighted I got to peruse some weighty topics regarding the very survival of our species... I look forward to reading more of your work in a way you may be unable to comprehend right now!
Wow! I'm not sure how to thank you for this, the least I can say is that your comments are truly appreciated and have brought a little smile to my face! Such a relief that someone is actually reading, and engaging with my stuff. For me, if my post has entertained someone, and importantly, if it has provided a little food for thought, then it was worth my time writing it. I just might put finger to key again at some stage over the next few weeks.