Thanks!! Appreciate you reading my posts! I know I have quite a one-tracked mind, but I look at it as important. Soon, I will have to re-enter the workforce in some capacity if I am unable to make this--what I actually want to do with my life--into a means of supporting me. Then I will no longer be able to give it my full attention, and I really don't want to be at that stage. Also, as an ex-patent examiner, one of the key components we looked for in determining if someone "cared" about their invention from conception onward was called "due diligence". I don't want to see someone else steal my work who is more able to readily get attention and then have to deal with that aspect. Partly, I do what I do so that I have a track record to show I have well established evidence of being the source, since I am literally just posting it freely online for anyone and everyone to see. Never know what someone might do with it, if they think they can pawn it off as their own work. It has happened with pretty much every major scientific discovery--Newton had to deal with the same from Robert Hooke, for example. I have many thoughts that, as the conduit of this information, I deserve to share, and I don't want someone who doesn't know what they are talking about to share enough of it to stifle my ability to have my voice heard. This, to me, is a means for redirecting society towards the better and I don't want it to turn into someone seeking fame or glory or wealth noticing how easy they could achieve it with my work that they, in a better position to be heard, are able to easily make it appear as their own. Though the evidence is well documented that it I've had the theory for years, that doesn't mean anybody would notice or care in the wave of excitement that stealing it and bringing it to the world in my stead would bring.
I know, I'm insane. :) Thanks for reposting!!