How Globalization Reduced Wars Around The World

in #science8 years ago

Globalization is one of biggest contributors to a "smaller" more peaceful world. But how did economical integration of capital and ideas contribute to a more peaceful world?

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What is Globalization?

According to the Oxford Dictionaries, Globalization is: "The the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale." The influence is caused by trading ideas and capital. This international trade skyrocketed due to technological advancements in transportation and telecommunication. But why did this cause the more peaceful "smaller" world that we live in?

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A few hundred years ago humans mindsets was radically different. If you where a human in your little civilization then you probably knew that there where other civilizations with other resources than you. But you also would have thought that they where some sort of monsters and completely not the same as you. You did not really understand this foreigners because you had no way of really communicating with them from where you where. You also know that it would be easier and cheaper to raid them for their resources.

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Effective easy communication was hard to do and it was extremely expensive (to make things worse). Nowadays you could easily communicate with a stranger across the world for a very chap price. We can easily see nowadays that foreigners is human just like me because of this modern communication technology. But a few hundred years ago, foreigners was really foreign. Going to war with your neighboring country for their goods was most of the times the more economic choice.

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Technology improved as time progressed and countries was able to communicate faster and better. this led to more trade routes and ally bonds being formed. This in turn set coarse for a more peaceful earth! Our war count dramatically changed the past 100 years due to big revolutions in the communication world. Most businesses found it easy to trade with other foreign businesses. This meant that their local economy grew and it caused closer bonds between the two countries.

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This also made it less necessary for the local country to raid foreign countries for resources. Social media also helped us to really recognise that foreigners is human like us. Just look at some random foreigners facebook page. Chances are that stranger likes a lot of the same things you do!

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More People would be outraged and most likely protest against war deceleration due to similarities in culture seen on Social media!
Companies would try to stop war because this war might be bad for business.

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I am amazed at the privilege I have to be able to share my ideas to people around the world on a site like Steemit! In the end we can see that Globalization helped make a more peaceful era because of the communication it caused between countries.

What do you think? Did globalization help to make a more peaceful era in human history? Share your thoughts down below!

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Readers note:

I am back from my vacation and will make a post about my experience. Thank you for all your support!


Hi @stormblaze
Interesting post, thanks for sharing.

Globalization is a cancer in this world. It destroys national sovereignty. All it's for is to usher in global government.